Tag: NIH

  • Federal Agency Updates – NIH and NSF

    Agency updates are provided to keep you apprised of what’s happening with some of our major federal sponsors. Many of these updates impact investigators directly. National Institutes of Health (NIH) NIH is rolling out new forms and data management and sharing policies effective January 25, 2023. Look for specific I/Cs to issue guidance on data…

  • NIH Closeout Procedures (From the PI Perspective)

    Now that you are nearing the end of your NIH project do you know how to properly close out the award? When you accept an NIH grant you are agreeing to the terms and conditions included in your Notice of Award.  The terms include the NIH policy requiring submission of three types of final reports…

  • Update to Emory University’s IBC Policies and Procedures



    The Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) updated the Policies and Procedures of the Emory University Institutional Biosafety Committee. The current version is on the EHSO website under Forms/Documents. This document outlines the responsibilities of the Emory University Institutional Biosafety Committee in accordance with NIH Guidelines, which includes the review of research that involves recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids.  A highlight of the changes includes updates to:  Appendix 1 Guidelines…

  • Important IRB Updates

    We have updated Data and Safety Monitoring guidance for Investigator-Initiated studies that are more than minimal risk. It is posted here under “DSMP, Site Monitoring, and DSMB Guidance,” under “Related Guidance.” Please note that some high-complexity studies do require external/independent monitoring, so please consult with the IRB, and/or Margaret Huber in the Office of Research…

  • Change in F&A Rate for Clinical Trials Effective 4/1/2021

    The below message was sent on behalf of Dr. Robert Nobles, Vice President for Research Administration: March 12, 2021 Dear Colleagues, I am writing to share the outcome of an extensive review of our clinical trial definition and Facilities and Administrative Rate (F&A) rate. Over several months, we organized a working group that included faculty,…

  • Updated Guidance on Biosketch/Other Support Implementation

    *Catch up on the Thursdays at Three (T@3) webinar addressing changes to the NIH Biosketch and Other Support here May 7, 2021 Dear Colleagues, We are writing to provide you the most up-to-date information on the transition to new formats for NIH Biosketches and Other Support pages. According to the most recent issue of the…

  • NIH Application Policy- Quick Reminder on Hyperlinks

    Hyperlinks! They’re not everywhere you want them to be! OSP would like to issue a quick reminder regarding the inclusion of hyperlinks in NIH proposals as we have seen a number of applications come to us which include hyperlinks where they shouldn’t be included. While we have not yet seen an application rejected for this…

  • Requirements for Disclosure of Other Support, Foreign Relationships and Activities, as well as Conflicts of Interest

    In recent weeks, numerous reports and presentations have been published by NIH and the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy on principled international collaborations, protecting research against foreign influence, and ensuring the security and objectivity of research.  NIH has a website specifically addressing these issues entitled Protecting U.S. Biomedical Intellectual Innovation.  NSF…

  • New NIH “FORMS-F” Grant Application Forms and Guidelines Coming for Due Dates on/after May 25, 2020

    New NIH “FORMS-F” Grant Application Forms and Guidelines Coming for Due Dates on/after May 25, 2020 NIH/AHRQ applicants, there’s a new form application coming soon. Applicants submitting applications with due dates on or before May 24, 2020 must use the current FORMS-E application package. Beginning May 25, 2020 those submitting applications are required to use…

  • NIH Announces Salary Cap for FY2020

    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 5, 2020 The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, restricts the amount of direct salary to Executive Level II of the Federal Executive pay scale.  The Office of Personnel Management has recently released new salary levels for the Executive Pay Scale. Effective January 5, 2020, the salary limitation for Executive Level II is…