Tag: Uniform Guidance
NIH Implementation of Changes to Uniform Guidance – Impact to Emory University
Authors: Holly Sommers (OSP), Edwin Bemmel (RGC), & James Goff (Cost Studies) In January 2025, NIH released its notice (NOT-OD-25-059) describing plans for implementation of the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Federal Financial Assistance (2 CFR 200), generally referred to as the Uniform Guidance or UG. A summary of NIH’s specific implementation plans and their impact…
Emory’s Award Closeout Plan and Roadmap
Author: Patrick Amihere, Associate Director (RGC) To ensure proper, timely, and effective award closeouts for all sponsored awards, ORA and RGC continue the spectrum of work to make Award Closeout more effective and efficient institutionally. Therefore, it is not a surprise that the immediate improvement of an effective award closeout business process is the university’s…
Reminder of Sponsored Award Closeout Policies
As we approach the end of another fiscal year the Office of Research: Grants and Contracts (RGC) wanted to remind the research community of our sponsored award closeout timeline. Our office has seen an increase in the number of projected and unreconciled awards being submitted for final invoicing/financial reporting. In keeping with 45 CFR 75.381…
Uniform Guidance Changes Effective November 12, 2020
Recently the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued updates to Uniform Guidance 2 C.F.R Part 200 which become effective November 12, 2020. The revised guidance if applicable for awards issued after this date. Previous awards are subject to the existing uniform guidance provisions. The UG is primarily directed to federal agencies. OMB expects all…
Research Terms and Conditions (RTCs) Released and Available
The revised Research Terms and Conditions (RTCs) have been made available. The RTCs address and implement the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR 200). The RTCs incorporate the entire Uniform Guidance by reference and clarify or supplement existing provisions where appropriate. They further incorporate by reference the most…
Uniform Guidance: New Information Brings Some Good News and More Questions…
Uniform Guidance: New Information Brings Some Good News and More Questions… Over the past month, additional information regarding the implementation of Uniform Guidance has been provided (verbally) by federal representatives at the FDP (Federal Demonstration Partnership) Meeting. While some information shared was very positive, other information adds complexity to how we will need to administer…