Epigenomic studies among infants born preterm: Our studies of infants that were born preterm have examined whether neonatal morbidities and neurobehavioral responses, both of which are associated with later neurobehavioral impairments, are associated with DNA methylation. We have found that many CpG sites throughout the genome are associated with these neonatal factors. Our ongoing and future work aims to test whether these difference in DNA methylation persist with aging and development, how postnatal factors may influence changes in their trajectories, and whether they are predictive of impairments later in childhood. To learn more about our team’s perspective on the role of epigenomics in behavior and neurodevelopment, particularly in children born preterm, check out our paper on The emergence of developmental behavioral epigenomics. To explore our original research in this field, check out:
NEOage clocks – epigenetic clocks to estimate post-menstrual and postnatal age in preterm infants
Studies of Prenatal Environmental Exposures: Much of our research into the impacts of prenatal environmental exposures has focused on how cadmium perturbs gene-expression, regulatory RNAs, and DNA methylation in human placenta. We have shown that genes involved in inflammatory response, growth regulation and neurogenesis are particularly responsive to this prenatal exposure. In addition to cadmium, we have studied the impacts of other metals (arsenic, selenium, copper), maternal tobacco use, and other maternal stressors on genomic regulation. To learn more about our team’s perspective on how omics can be used to study environmental health issues, particularly those concerning prenatal and early-life exposures, check out our paper on Integrating -omics approaches into human population-based studies of prenatal and early life exposures. To explore our original research in this field, check out: