Welcome to the “Spirituality for the Contemporary World” course site.

This online course is offered by Candler School of Theology at Emory University. The course explores different dimensions of a holistic and passionate spirituality for the modern world. This contribution of eco-conscious theologians, feminist religious writers, and Asian religions will be studied and the relationship between spirituality and the body, human desire, poverty, ecology, and power will be clarified. A particular focus of this course will be on how to lead a discussion group on spirituality in churches, schools, and the workplace.

The course is taught by Kwok Pui Lan, Dean’s Professor of Systematic Theology, at Candler. She has taught spirituality courses for over two decades in Boston and Atlanta. Her most recent publications include Postcolonial Politics and Theology and the edited volumes The Hong Kong Protests and Political Theology and Asian and Asian American Women in Religion and Theology. You can visit her personal blog here.