The Thinker has been a representative figure of a man philosophizing about life for many years. But how many of us actually know that this figure was originally made by Rodin for his depiction of Dante’s Gates of Hell? Inferno is an epic that informs the reader of the fates of several different levels of sin and how they are punished, it is also Dante’s way of taking a jab at his contemporaries who have failed to see his genius, by condemning them to hell for their several sins (I can’t help being reminded of Dr. Canavero here, as he also feels disenfranchised (Ren & Canavero, 2017)). My neuroethics class has shown me that as neuroscientists, we tow the line of science and the spiritual beliefs people hold, especially about their selves and the brain. It may be good practice for us to ponder about the next life too, or at least the implications of our future innovations on peoples already held beliefs on the topic.
Ren, X., & Canavero, S. (2017). HEAVEN in the Making: Between the Rock (the Academe) and a Hard Case (a Head Transplant). AJOB Neuroscience, 8(4), 200-205. doi: 10.1080/21507740.2017.1392372