Photo Post: Foumagerie

During my stay in Paris, the NBB class took a field trip to a foumagerie. We learned about the history of cheese-making, many types of which originate in France. We tasted various cheeses, including goat and bleu.  We were able to identify various scents used in cheese-making from vanilla to pine. In addition, they talked about different techniques used. They explained the outside of cheese are treated with fungus to make the skins, one of the explanations for the strong taste and smell often associated with some cheeses. A few of the cheeses presented were slightly difficult to stomach! Many of us developed a better understanding of how cheese tasting involves the smell before eating and the actual flavor while eating. Another fun aspect of the trip was that NBB class related these techniques used in fermentation to our understanding of dairy consumption and cognition. Apparently certain types of bacteria produce a compound, DHE, during the fermentation process. DHE has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective effects and may help in cognitive aging  to prevent dementia.

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