OTTers Reflect on 40 Years of Creating Impact

Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) helps researchers and inventors turn their research into reality, and the people behind the scenes make it possible. OTT staff members are a tight-knit team who work tirelessly to commercialize Emory technologies and maximize their impact. Did you know that we call ourselves OTTers (or “otters”)? Our collective nickname, along with our monthly OTTer Award honoring high-performing licensing associates, build a strong sense of camaraderie and drive us to do our best work. To celebrate the outstanding work of OTT employees over our 40 years, we asked a few current OTTers about their experience Read More …

Celebrating 40 Years of Innovation: The Story of Emory OTT

The passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980, which allowed universities to take ownership of their inventions made with federally funded research, was a pivotal moment for academic innovation. The shift prompted universities nationwide—including Emory University—to establish technology transfer offices to facilitate this newfound process, and by 1985, Emory had created its Office of Technology Transfer (OTT). Over the next four decades, Emory OTT grew into a leader in the field, setting the standard for how universities can transform academic innovation into tangible solutions. As we celebrate 40 years of Emory OTT, let’s take a closer look at its beginnings, Read More …

Biolocity: The Business of Making Science

What’s the real measure of research impact? To quote John Nicosia, the former interim managing director of Biolocity, “A researcher might consider their research to be impactful if they publish their findings in a prominent journal and receive 200 citations on their paper. But imagine the impact if their research was translated into a product that treated 200,000 people.” That’s the goal of Biolocity: to find promising biomedical research in academia and supply those researchers with the resources, support, and tools they need to make their dreams of making an impact in medicine a reality. Overcoming guidance and funding challenges Read More …

From the Director: Emory OTT Celebrates 40 Years of Innovation

Happy New Year, and I hope 2025 brings you joy, happiness, and prosperity. This year marks the 40th anniversary of Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT), so I’m reflecting on what the world looked like four decades ago. In 1985, Back to the Future was released, and who knew the kind of cultural phenomenon it would become? Michael Jordan was also named NBA’s Rookie of the Year in 1985 (but I think we all knew then that he was something special). Personally, I’d just finished my undergraduate degree at Oregon State University and had begun my research career at the Read More …

Happy Holidays! Love, the Algorithm: How Your Browsing History Affects Your Holiday Shopping

It’s the season of giving, so it’s time to search the vast expanse of online stores to find the perfect gifts! But browser beware: When you visit a website, you leave behind information about yourself. Those websites you visit may use this data to track your online activity and preferences, which can affect how you experience any given website across the internet. Here are a few ways technology impacts your holiday online shopping. Letters to Santa (…Or Searches on Your Browser) Many businesses try to increase their profit by optimizing their user experience, whether their customers shop online or at Read More …

Trademarked traditions: How IP shapes the holiday season

Santa and his elves, Rudolph’s red nose, and the melodies of our favorite holiday songs: Many of us cannot imagine the holiday season without the array of familiar symbols we attach to it. However, behind the joy and nostalgia of these seemingly timeless traditions lies the often-overlooked world of intellectual property (IP) law. While these laws ensure creators receive the recognition they deserve for their work, they also play a surprising role in shaping how we share and celebrate the staples of the holiday season. Protecting holiday icons Take Santa, for example. While the character of Santa Claus, with his Read More …

How To: Build an Effective Start-Up Pitch Deck

A strong pitch deck is a must for any academic entrepreneur aiming to take their research to the next step and launch a start-up. Decks are the foundation of how ideas are communicated in business but translating years of rigorous research and ambitious plans into a concise and digestible presentation requires strategy, clarity, and a deep understanding of your audience in the market. So, how can you create a pitch deck that captures attention and inspires confidence in your start-up? 1. Start with your Elevator Pitch The opening slide of your deck sets the tone for the rest of your Read More …

I’ve Submitted my Invention … Now What?: Or, The First Steps with Emory OTT!

  A faculty member has a great invention. They submit an invention disclosure. What happens next? Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) is an Emory researcher’s first stop on the road to commercialization. From the moment a disclosure is submitted, our staff works to ensure a smooth and efficient process for all parties involved. Each invention disclosure is assigned a tech ID number and OTT licensing associate. The licensing associate will then have some initial conversations with the faculty member about their goals for the product or project and the type of funding surrounding their research. From this point on, Read More …

Have Patience with Patents: A Guide to Utility, Design, and Plant Patents

If a prospective patent enthusiast Googles “patents explained,” they can find maybe two websites in the top results that aren’t riddled with complicated definitions and explanations. However, patents are a subject that anyone can find fascinating as long as they receive the information in an interesting and relatable way. Without further delay, let’s get into it! Let’s start with the definition: Patents are “the granting of a property right by a sovereign authority to an inventor,” according to Investopedia. This simply means that a patent is a government’s way of promising that if an inventor discloses information about their invention, Read More …

The ABCs of Start-up Funding

The lessons learned from fundraising for your childhood sports team may come in handy as you begin to grow your start-up. While 29% of start-ups fail after running out of money, series funding is a useful way to overcome this obstacle. Fundraising may be time consuming, but it is necessary to find investors to prevent your new business from running out of money before it can even begin. This process begins with pre-seed funding, where the founders of a startup raise money from themselves, friends, family, or even an angel investor to begin the development of a prototype or proof-of-concept before moving Read More …

Remaining in research, outside the lab: OTT intern reflects on her journey into tech transfer

When I began my PhD in Biomedical Science, I always envisioned myself making new discoveries and making the world a better place. I committed myself to research and I wanted to be a leader in the field.  My doctoral research enhanced my interest in molecular pathways and how deviations in these pathways can lead to various diseases. However, after completing my PhD, I decided to move away from research for a while and transition into academia. Working as an Associate Physiology Professor, I have educated students with various educational backgrounds and helped to enhance their critical thinking skills. While teaching Read More …

New Perspectives: My “invigorating” experience as an OTT intern

Upon embarking in my graduate studies, I was struck by the vast amount of amazing research that happens on a daily basis. On the other hand, I felt disheartened by the substantial amount of research that failed to make a tangible impact in the “real world.” This realization highlighted the critical importance of effectively commercializing discoveries and optimizing technologies for their practical application. I aspired to pursue a career with a direct, translational impact. To gain a more comprehensive perspective, I joined Emory’s Biotech Consulting Club. Through this club, I discovered its intimate collaboration with Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer Read More …

Data Use Agreements 101

In the age of technology and data collection, the privacy and protection of data is a priority for both those who collect and those who utilize data. A Data Use Agreement (DUA) is a useful tool for the transfer of non-public data or use-restricted data that has been developed by private, government, or nonprofit organizations. What is a Data Use Agreement? A DUA, also sometimes called a data transfer agreement (DTA), is a legal contract that serves to protect data and confidentiality. It lays out the terms under which an entity – like a university or research center – can Read More …

How to strengthen your patent

Why do we care about patents? If you create something – whether it’s a medical device, a new type of shoelace, or a better method of washing clothes – you have the chance to protect your idea and earn money off it. A patent is a publicly available, government-issued document that gives certain rights to an invention, such as preventing others from making, using, or selling your invention. Patents provide crucial protection to intellectual property, the intangible creations of the human intellect. When you apply for a patent, it’s processed within the administrative and legal framework of the patent office. Read More …

Emory’s Biotechnology Consulting Club Transforms Lab Innovations into Market Successes

Many innovators struggle to bring their discoveries to a wider audience. Emory’s Biotechnology Consulting Club (EBCC) steps in to overcome this hurdle by creating a space “where business and science meet.” Making connections inside Emory and out Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) and Biolocity connect start-up enterprises with student-led EBCC teams for semester-long consulting projects. It’s mutually beneficial: Start-up companies increase their chances of getting funding by collaborating with students to perform market analyses, identify competitors, and facilitate overall company growth. Students get to improve their skills and knowledge through contact with experts across various disciplines. Since EBCC was founded in 2019, it has Read More …

Debunking 3 myths about entrepreneurship

Steve Jobs founded Apple. Rihanna founded Fenty Beauty. Arianna Huffington founded the Huffington Post. Each of these successful individuals risked it all to start their new businesses. Yet, daunting misconceptions about what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur often prevent others from following in their footsteps. But there are many types of entrepreneurship and even more types of entrepreneurs, and one’s unique experience could be just what they need to find success. Here, we’re setting the record straight on three common myths about entrepreneurship. 1. Entrepreneurs are always young. While the stereotypical image of an entrepreneur is someone young. Read More …

An Overview of Sleep Apnea

Approximately 30 million people have sleep apnea, but only six million are correctly diagnosed with sleep apnea in the United States. When we’re asleep, our bodily functions keep us breathing as normal without our conscious awareness. However, sleep apnea causes a person to stop breathing entirely, and the lack of oxygen forces them to wake up and breathe. The abrupt, repeated pattern of awakening prevents the person from getting restful sleep and can have other harmful repercussions. What is Sleep Apnea? There are several but the three most common are obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), central sleep apnea (CSA), and treatment-emergent Read More …

15 Good Minutes: Khalid Salaita, PhD

Khalid Salaita, PhD has been studying the connection between chemistry and mechanical forces in his laboratory at Emory for 14 years. After completing his PhD at Northwestern University, where he studied material science and interfaces and surfaces, he completed his postdoc at UC Berkeley studying the assembly of receptor tyrosine kinase proteins in the plasma membrane. He has been leading his lab at Emory ever since, studying a wide range of questions in the chemistry field. Not only is he a professor of chemistry and a program faculty of biomedical engineering, but he also is affiliated with the Winship Cancer Read More …

Q&A With Annual Celebration 2024 Awardees: Eric Ortlund, PhD

Eric Ortlund, PhD, is the recipient for Emory OTT’s Deal of the Year Award at the 2024 Annual Celebration of Technology and Innovation. Ortlund and his research team used a structure-guided approach to exploit a newly discovered polar interaction to lock agonists in a consistent orientation. This enabled the discovery of the first low nanomolar LRH-1 agonist. In 2023, Emory University executed an exclusive high net worth license with Allonix Therapeutics for this technology. Can you introduce yourself? My name is Eric Ortlund. I’m a professor of biochemistry in the School of Medicine. I run a research lab here that Read More …

Q&A With Annual Celebration 2024 Awardees: Louise Hecker, PhD

Louise Hecker, PhD, is the EmpowHER Award recipient at Emory OTT’s 2024 Annual Celebration of Technology and Innovation. Hecker is a prominent researcher in the field of regenerative biology and specializes in pulmonology. Her research primarily focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying lung fibrosis and developing novel therapeutic approaches for treating this debilitating disease. Can you introduce yourself? I’m Louise and I am an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Pulmonary Division. We do a wide range of projects, under a big umbrella. We study aging and injury repair. We’re not trying to necessarily find the fountain of youth Read More …