Monologue 5.19_Paul Ahn

Youth and Time is what I have, it is something so precious that millions would kill for.

Alas what good is a treasure if not in proper use. To know that something is precious and valuable but not know how to obtain its value, is a terrible burden. To know that something has to be done but not know what and how to be done. Sure life is meant for wonderful and adventurous things but how to reach such moments I do not know, but I sure do have a strong desire to obtain them. It truly is maddening for a person to have a desire for something but not know how to reach it. Whats worse is the fact that I am not in disadvantage, disabled, nor unable. There is no excuse for the constant loitering of time that passes by even in this moment so what can I do? The constant banging in the back of my head that tells me to make something happen, try to seek what I desire, fight for that something that I wish to achieve. But how does one fight for something if one does not know what to fight for, how does one achieve something if one does not know what it is they want to achieve. For the past short life I have lived, this obstacle of mine seems to be the most important and daunting one yet.

24. May 2016 by Paul Ho Ahn
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

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