Waiting for Godot – Jack Williams

I was not a big fan of Waiting for Godot. I think that the reason behind this is not necessarily that I disliked this version of the play or the script but rather that I don’t very much like the absurdist movement as a whole. I enjoyed the depth of thought that the play gives rise to in the audience, but I also believe that there are more active and interesting ways to get the same question across: are we predestined beings, or do we have control of our lives through choice?

I can personally relate to this play in some ways, since sometimes in life I find myself at a standstill because I spend too much time overanalyzing a scenario and asking, “why?” rather than just doing. This is exactly what Vladmir and Estragon are stuck doing; asking too many questions and not acting on any of them. I support the fact that suicide was so easily brought up despite being such an incredibly weighty issue. The reason for this is twofold: First, it allows the audience to leave the theater and hopefully discuss the issue a bit more freely with their peers/loved ones, which could eventually bring to light personal thoughts of suicide and make it a topic of conversation rather than a topic to be avoided until it is too late. Second, Vladmir and Estragon both agree that suicide is not a viable option, which ultimately supports the idea that we do have some sentient power of choice in our lives, rather than being purely predestined beings. I was not the biggest fan of this film, but appreciate its depth in philosophical thought.

29. June 2016 by John Williams
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