The new comer to the family


Who is this? Why is he hear? Where did he come from? He is so small!  They tell me to love him unconditionally but he does not look like much. Plus I’m still not sure what that even means. Maybe we will learn it together. So many questions run through my mind. Will I be a good brother? Will he hate me or will I hate him? I don’t think I will hate him because they tell me we do not hate fellow family members. I’m conflicted on how I proceed with this new person in my life. I want him to be happy but in order for that to happen I need to get to know him. Not sure how to do that with someone who only cries over and over again. Most of the time I just want him to stop, so I can actually get to know my new baby brother.

24. May 2016 by Xavier Enrique Diaz
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

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