First Monologue- Zora Kesich

No, it’s not that I don’t like coming home. What I don’t like is being asked all the questions I don’t know the answers to myself. Everyone wants to know what I’m studying. Everyone asks my major. These are perfectly reasonable questions. These are things I should really know the answer to. Going into my junior year, I can’t keep shrugging these things off by saying ‘I don’t really know yet’ anymore. Being ‘undecided’ about things was ok a few years ago. Now it’s raising some questions. I get it. I have questions too. I wish I had answers. I wish I could tell you exactly what I wanted to major in, and then after that, tell you exactly what I wanted to do with my degree once I graduate. I wish I was one of those people who’ve known exactly what they wanted to do their entire lives. I envy that, but I am the opposite, constantly living in a state of indecisiveness and uncertainty. So no, it’s not that I don’t like coming home. It’s having to address the nature of my indecisiveness over and over again that I don’t like.

31. May 2016 by Zora
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