Noises Off Response- Zora Kesich

Noises Off Response

I really enjoyed the comedy aspect of Noises Off. I particularly found the first portion of the film, where the actors are performing a dress rehearsal, to be amusing. I think it highlights, in a comedic way, how difficult it can be to actually put on a production. Lloyds frustration is funny to the viewer, as his actors constantly forget their lines, ask him questions, and seem totally unaware of what is happening. However, I can imagine how being in his position in these opening scenes would be extremely discouraging.

The chapter we have just read from Theatrical Worlds on directing gave me some background before watching the film on the complexity of directing and the many tasks involved with the job. The first portion of the film highlights how difficult these jobs actually are, through comedy. For instance the chapter discusses time, specifically how the director must control the pace or rhythm of the scenes. This is something the actors in the film are constantly struggling, and the viewer can see Lloyd’s frustration grow with each mistake. Also, the chapter mentions how the director must determine a specific time for the actors to be off book. Apparently, Lloyd has determined this time and his actors have not adhered to it. A few of them still do not know many of their lines. The book lays out the different type of rehearsals the director must lead e.g. technical rehearsal, dress rehearsal, etc. In the opening scenes, Lloyd has established that they are performing a dress rehearsal. However, a few of his actors are confused and believe they are still in the stages of technical rehearsal.

These scenes of  Lloyd growing increasingly frustrated with his actors helped me develop my understanding of the two-way relationship between actors and directors. Clearly, the actors are not doing what Lloyd wants them to do, and under the time constraints, this is aggravating for him. However, it also made me wonder if he had clearly communicated his desires in the first place. The chapter mentions that a director must know and understand their actors and their personalities so that the actor and the director can effectively work together. If Lloyd knows that some of his actors are absent minded or need additional time to comprehend new information, perhaps he should have taken this into account and communicated with them in a way that is productive for everyone involved. Nonetheless, I do not envy Lloyd’s position in this scences. I certainly appreciate the difficulty of directing after watching this film.

Overall, I enjoyed the film. My favorite scene was where the actors were performing their show and it was quickly deteriorating before the viewer’s eyes. People are missing their cues, actors are nowhere to be found, and the whole show is turning into a complete mess. The way this scene was filmed was extremely amusing to watch, with everyone frantically running around. The chaos seemed almost artistic, in it’s organized mess.  

31. May 2016 by Zora
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