Monthly Archives for May 2016

Inherit the Wind Reflection- Karan Mehta

Throughout the play, there are various themes that the characters bring out. Lawrence and Lee wrote this play this almost thirty years after the Scoped Monkey trials. Although the play is a work of fiction, the play is based on … Continue reading

29. May 2016 by Karan Rahul Mehta
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1st Monologue: The Boy Who’d Rather Play With Dolls

Stories come from strange and unexpected places. Mine came from another boy’s life. I didn’t know it then. I only know, in hindsight, how his story somehow became mine. A boy was born and he became himself. I still remember … Continue reading

26. May 2016 by Pranav Gupta
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Monologue 5.19_Paul Ahn

Youth and Time is what I have, it is something so precious that millions would kill for. Alas what good is a treasure if not in proper use. To know that something is precious and valuable but not know how … Continue reading

24. May 2016 by Paul Ho Ahn
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Sara’s Personal Monologue

Last Saturday, I went to Zoo Atlanta for my 21st birthday. I saw some giraffes, a red panda, bought a churro—all according to plan. About midday, I predicted that I was going to be hungry very soon, so I took … Continue reading

24. May 2016 by Sara R. Carreras
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Karan Mehta- Personal Monologue

It was the most tense moment of my life. I was playing my final tennis tournament of the 2012 Asian Tennis season in Manila, Philippines. Being unseeded, I played the top two seeds of the tournament and beat them in … Continue reading

24. May 2016 by Karan Rahul Mehta
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

The new comer to the family

  Who is this? Why is he hear? Where did he come from? He is so small!  They tell me to love him unconditionally but he does not look like much. Plus I’m still not sure what that even means. … Continue reading

24. May 2016 by Xavier Enrique Diaz
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

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