Glenbarry Glen Ross

After watching Glengarry Glen Ross one thing became extremely clear to me, a desperate man will do anything to preserve his livelihood. The first instance of this lesson comes in the second scene of the play when Moss threatens Aaronow in order to get him to help he commit a crime he has been planning for a while. The second comes from the very powerful and influential monologue given by Roma. In this monologue Roma talks about morality and how he believe in life every individual needs to take charge in order to get what they want. Every man must step up and take the things they want in this world because nothing will make the things you want appear. There is no overarching power that sees all the good a person does and tries to balance that out with the bad. All that is certain according to Roma is that in order to get things done a real man has to get up and make things happen. If a person is waiting around expecting good things to fall into their lap they are sadly going to be looking for a very long time. This monologue I had to watch multiple times to truly understand the impact of it. The idea that this world has no absolute morality is genus and makes a lot of sense. To many people today are waiting for their lives to get started and Roma argues those people will be waiting till they die. Life happens when you are sitting on the sidelines and I believe he is absolutely correct.

The other thing that I learned from Glengarry Glen Ross is that competition can lead to some harsh words amount even the closest of friends. The second half of the film pinned the salesman against each other because jealousy can be an ugly monster if not controlled.  The conflict between these men leads to something special when the actors go all out and give the performance the play deserves. The scene where all the salesman are ripping, cursing, and haggling at each other can be a lot fun as an actor to portray. In a modern theater the cursing would probably be received with some laughter and if it is done right should get an applause.

14. June 2016 by Xavier Enrique Diaz
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