Much Ado About Nothing Response

The Shakespearian play, Much Ado about Nothing, is not like you typically love story. While the story of love keeps the viewers engaged this play is different because it has two love stories running side by side. Most of the plays written by Shakespeare have one main love story that drives the entire play; but, Much Ado about Nothing is driven by war and has two love stories and revolve around it. The second one between Beatrice and Benedick interested me more than Hero and Claudio. Even though Hero and Claudio are considered the main characters of the play, I enjoyed the Beatrice and Benedick story much more. The reason is because their relationship took a lot more work, and I do not mean to succeed I mean to be unearth. Both characters were stubborn to the idea of love and both attempted to hide their true feelings from each other. They poke fun at each other and even at the idea of getting married. The masterful writing of Shakespeare gives his audience the impression that they do not mean the words that are coming out of their months. This ability by a playwright cannot be underestimated and Shakespeare’s ability to do this in numerous works of his, in my opinion, makes him the best ever.

The ending of Much Ado about Nothing calls for Claudio to forgive himself for an earlier mistake he made by calling off his engagement to the women he loves, Hero. This amount of humility was considered comical when Shakespeare was writing his plays. I would argue that in today’s society this qualities in a play would be considered desirable in a main character. A character with humility understand his advantages just as much as his faults. He understands when the strength of others are needed and when his strength is enough to succeed. I believe only the noblest of characters have true humility and Claudio falls under that category. Another aspect of the Beatrice and Benedick romance I enjoyed was their willingness to help Hero return into the good graces of Claudio. Through this deception they two of them formed a bound that lead them to fall in love. Just another reason why I enjoy their story over the main character love affair because their love is much more practical. They found a common goal and through achieving that goal they fell a love. In my opinion, that’s a true love story that clearly is as old as time itself.

14. June 2016 by Xavier Enrique Diaz
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