Inherit the Wind

            Inherit the Wind is a play that centralizes around the battle between creationism and evolutionism. The characters in the play try to decide which idea is more acceptable to the society and themselves, and it allows them to have the freedom to make up their mind during the trial. Hillsboro’s society are very rigid in their beliefs- they have a rigid Christian doctrine, and those ideals shape how they act and feel. The opposing belief, Darwinism, is a huge threat to the society because it suggests a new idea that opposes the authoritative figures (Brady and Reverend Brown).

When I was reading this play, it made me think of the topic of themes we discussed during our lecture. Inherit the Wind focuses on Man vs. Society as Cates challenges the laws and the Hillsboro society. Even though he is going against the townspeople, he decides to continue on with his belief and push on with the trial. I like how by the end of the trial, it ends up working out for Cates. Even though he lost the case, his opposition towards the society allows other people to see how constrictive Reverend Brown and Brady are. Both of the characters continue to use Bible as their defense to maintain their authority, but Cate and Drummond’s effort allow them to see how closed minded they were.

Overall, I thought this was a good read. I liked how there was character development within the story, and in the end, everything worked out for the best. It was enjoyable to see how Cate’s strong belief allowed him to move on with his life (literally move on as he rode on the train).

16. June 2016 by Hannah Lee
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

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