Second Original Monologue- Zora Kesich

He thought that his addiction ran too deep for him to quit, but that wasn’t the case. In reality, he had thoroughly convinced himself that this addiction was an integral part of his identity

and to tackle it would be to remove an important part of himself,

a part that remained a constant in his tumultuous life.

He said he loved cigarettes, but actually, it could have been anything

because what was missing, really missing, was far more vast than anything a pack of Marlboros could replace.

I think what’s so scary about addiction is the thin blurred line between a glamorous practice and an engulfing obsession.

But I guess that’s what makes life so difficult at times– navigating those lines, taking that step back and looking at oneself.

All things considered, we can hold out hope that this time the will to quit will be stronger than the reflex to try to replace what’s missing the only way he knows how.

22. June 2016 by Zora
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