Inherit the Wind Review

The play starts off on a controversial topic which has plagued the growth of human society throughout the years. The main character Bertram Cates was jailed in his small southern town for teaching his students about Darwin’s theory of evolution. The political aspects of this play is interesting to me because of how the dynamics change when a person of power enters the play. The politician in this play was also a strong advocate for the bible and used his influence to alter the perception of Mr. Cates. Even to his own friend, Rachel Brown, he was able to make her question whether or not she helped her friend’s case. The power of politics takes on many forms and in this play it takes on the power of manipulator. The outside pressures continued when a prominent lawyer decided to defend Mr. Cates.

I am currently working to attend law school after a few years of work and an area of law that fascinates me has always been jury selection. The selection process is much more painstaking then Inherit the Wind portrays it to be. They also make it same like picking jurors are revolving doors that never can really stop. In reality every move made when determine the jury for a trail is calculated. From the people that get rejected to the people that make it, no one is just there for comedic reason. That is what I felt was happening in this play, they were selecting people to make the scene funnier. The play mocked a process that I believe is critical to every successful trail.

26. June 2016 by Xavier Enrique Diaz
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