A Raisin in the Sun Response

The vibe I got from reading this play was that of weariness, as Hansberry describes the set in her stage directions: “Weariness has, in fact, won in this room.”  The Youngers have had a rough time and the condition of their house and constant fighting show it.  I really liked reading this play because of its portrayal of hardship in low-income urban communities, which lets outsiders see into a world that they may be unfamiliar with, and showing them how easy they may have it compared to others who are not as fortunate.

Race is heavily emphasized in this play, and I remember the impact it had on me when I first read it in high school.  It was how I first learned the definition of the word “assimilation.”  I had never really been aware of assimilation of a concept, but after learning about it through the play, I realized that there were people all around me, including even myself, who are still trying to figure it out.  While I cannot speak on behalf of all minority groups in America, I can offer my life experience.  Being different from the norm in America is not easy, and can cause much inner conflict.  Although I don’t really talk about it with other people, I often struggle with balancing my American identity and my Hispanic identity.  While I don’t want to seem different from everyone else in my classes where often I am the only Hispanic person, I also feel guilty whenever I downplay my Hispanic-ness.  I actually usually adjust my speech and personality to match whomever I am talking to at the moment—and the members of each group that I am apart of usually want me to be like them.  The Younger’s struggle with deciding whether or not to assimilate and figuring out what that would mean for them is a struggle that is happening all over America, often behind closed doors.  The play made me aware of how common this inner conflict is, and I have tried to be more sensitive to it ever since.  It also made me think about race and poverty, and the unrest it can cause in the household as individuals are trying to express their frustrations with our society in a safe place.

27. June 2016 by Sara R. Carreras
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