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Noises Off Response- Zora Kesich

Noises Off Response I really enjoyed the comedy aspect of Noises Off. I particularly found the first portion of the film, where the actors are performing a dress rehearsal, to be amusing. I think it highlights, in a comedic way, … Continue reading

31. May 2016 by Zora
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Inherit the Wind Response- Zora Kesich

Inherit the Wind Response I found Inherit the Wind to be an entertaining read. I really enjoy the genre of ‘courtroom drama’ both in film and television shows, and this play certainly encapsulates much of what makes this topic so … Continue reading

31. May 2016 by Zora
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First Monologue- Zora Kesich

Monologue No, it’s not that I don’t like coming home. What I don’t like is being asked all the questions I don’t know the answers to myself. Everyone wants to know what I’m studying. Everyone asks my major. These are … Continue reading

31. May 2016 by Zora
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Noises Off Response

“Noises Off,” a sex farce by Michael Frayn is skilfully adapted into a motion picture by director, Peter Bogdanovich. What I found unique and quite central to this work’s appeal was the use of the concept of having “a play within … Continue reading

30. May 2016 by Pranav Gupta
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Noises Off response_Paul Ahn

The beginning of “Noise off” introduces the fiasco rehearsals and the problems it poses to the whole staff in production. The film comically describes the irritating problems the director might have during the rehearsal like the constant problem with the … Continue reading

30. May 2016 by Paul Ho Ahn
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Noises Off 1992 Reflection- Karan Mehta

The play starts off with a rehearsal of a play, Nothing on. This play is one of the most famous, “play within a play”. Therefore, the characters needed to adapt to complicated roles. Another major aspect of Noises Off is … Continue reading

29. May 2016 by Karan Rahul Mehta
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Inherit the Wind Reflection- Karan Mehta

Throughout the play, there are various themes that the characters bring out. Lawrence and Lee wrote this play this almost thirty years after the Scoped Monkey trials. Although the play is a work of fiction, the play is based on … Continue reading

29. May 2016 by Karan Rahul Mehta
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1st Monologue: The Boy Who’d Rather Play With Dolls

Stories come from strange and unexpected places. Mine came from another boy’s life. I didn’t know it then. I only know, in hindsight, how his story somehow became mine. A boy was born and he became himself. I still remember … Continue reading

26. May 2016 by Pranav Gupta
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Monologue 5.19_Paul Ahn

Youth and Time is what I have, it is something so precious that millions would kill for. Alas what good is a treasure if not in proper use. To know that something is precious and valuable but not know how … Continue reading

24. May 2016 by Paul Ho Ahn
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Sara’s Personal Monologue

Last Saturday, I went to Zoo Atlanta for my 21st birthday. I saw some giraffes, a red panda, bought a churro—all according to plan. About midday, I predicted that I was going to be hungry very soon, so I took … Continue reading

24. May 2016 by Sara R. Carreras
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