Isabella Comments on Nicholas’ Post

Nicholas did an excellent job demonstrating how he personally relates to the topics discussed in the article “The Big Myth About Teenage Anxiety”. His comment on his addiction towards video games and how his mother went along with the rumor discussed in the article allows the reader of his post to see how teenagers can easily relate to this modern-day myth. Nicholas’ writing is very straight forward and concise, and it is evident that he understands the concepts being presented in the article because he manages to re-phrase the article in his own words. The blog post also shows how he did his own research about the author as he comments on his work at Cornell Medical College and uses that information to conclude that the article is reliable as the author is a valid source of information. The thesis of his blog post was directly targeted to the article and supported by the evidence provided. Overall, Nicholas did a very good job and really captured the attention of his audience by including such a relevant anecdote to open his discussion up about the main points of the article.  

Isabella Embellishing on “The Juul is Too Cool”

Based on previous research because of personal interest, I was already exposed to information that agrees with the New York Times article “The Juul is Too Cool”. An article by the American Cancer Society has also provided new information on the dangers of juul. The ACS coincides with the NYT article that the most dangerous part of having a juul is that the flavors appeal to younger audiences, such as teenagers. The ACS argues in their article that the FDA is not doing enough to inform teens about the dangers of using a juul – two examples being not providing enough public information about it, or not placing a nicotine warning on the packaging until recently. The ACS also researched into the components of the juul liquid and found that it has an extensive amount of nicotine in it. What teens don’t realize is that nicotine is an addictive drug that can harm the development of the brain. As teenagers’ brains develop until the age of approximately 25, the popularity of the juul amongst teens is dangerous because an excessive number of teens are consuming a lot of nicotine and aren’t aware of the negative side effects that it has on your brain’s development. From personal experience, I don’t think the juul epidemic is going away any time soon, therefore we must educate the public about its dangers to reduce the amount of potential damage that can be done to the development of the brain from consuming nicotine. 

Citation : 

Simon, Stacy. “JUUL E-Cigarettes and Youth: What You Need to Know.” American Cancer Society, American Cancer Society, 


Our Music Taste

As I am not an adult yet, it is a little difficult for me to be able to completely relate with the claim that “the songs we listened to during our teen years set [my] musical taste as an adult”. According to the article, the age where this begins to play a role in your musical taste is between 11 and 14 years old. When I was 11 years old, I absolutely adored Lady Gaga. Although I love her music, my music taste has shifted from the genre she tends to stick to versus to what I listen to now. While her music is more of a pop genre, I now tend to listen more to rap music and reggaeton/salsa – genres that are completely different to what Lady Gaga does. Due to my personal experience with this concept, I personally don’t fully agree with the claim that the author of the article is making – but I can see how it can relate to some people. As a kid, especially during my pre-teen years, I moved around a lot – which exposed me to various cultures. An article by CNN considers the claim that being that your culture has an impact on the type of music you prefer. Having been exposed to so many distinct cultures in my pre-teen years most likely shaped the judgements that I now have on my current musical taste. According a study in 2018 from the University of Rochester Medical Center by two medical reviewers, the frontal lobes (or rational parts of our brains) aren’t fully developed until someone is around age 25, therefore teenagers still have the ability to alter their reasoning and judgements. The evidence provided by the medical center makes me believe that the claim made in the original article on our adult music taste may be slightly faulty due to the fact that teenagers tend to go through a lot of experiences, such as moving in my case, that may have the capacity of altering decision making (ex. choosing music). To summarize, I believe that if you are exposed to a single culture or social environment during your pre-teen years, you are most likely to have the same music taste as an adult than as you did as a child, but being in distinct social contexts, as was I as a pre-teen, resulted in my frontal lobes developing differently than if I were to have grown up in one country my whole life since I needed to adapt to change.

Howard, Jacqueline. “Where Your Taste in Music Comes From.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Apr. 2017, Citation

Sather, Rita, and Amit Shelat. “Understanding the Teen Brain .” Ice Packs vs. Warm Compresses For Pain – Health Encyclopedia – University of Rochester Medical Center, 2018, Citation

Ong, Thuy. “Our Musical Tastes Peak as Teens, Says Study.” The Verge, The Verge, 12 Feb. 2018, Citation