The irony of the violent European and American reactions to migrants in need is the history of freedom and unity we pride ourselves in. In…

Much of what how we discuss migration is if and how much a migrant deserves resettlement into a new country. In our class discussions, we…

Ironically, humans migrating into German borders become lost into discrimination, prison-like camps, and other forms of violence that resemble that of the Holocaust. People disappear…

Morrocco has been a pub of conflict for Africa-European migration, representing the hidden and lost identities of the migrants stuck in limbo as well as…

Artist Maya Arulpragasam, or internationally known as M.I.A., is no stranger to danger and controversy. Both a film and arts graduate from Central Saint Martins…

When we think of “travel”, we think a vacation of cruises, beaches, and Instagram-worthy hot spots. When we think of “migration”, we think of sunken…

While Cabot and Genova (2002) emphasize different aspects of the focus on migrant issues, they both highlight the issue of time. Currently, the European “refugee…

From the start of the focus on displaced people post-World War II, the economic potential of migration has consistently been a focus of Eurowestern powerhouses….

In “Time Out of Joint”, Welch describes how Larsen’s End of Dreams figures, lost in the necroregion of the Mediterranean, reflect the uncertain identities and…
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