The Conflicting Voices of Morocco

Morrocco has been a pub of conflict for Africa-European migration, representing the hidden and lost identities of the migrants stuck in limbo as well as during integration. The “solutions” suggested by the Guardia Civil such as extra fencing and extreme battery fail to deter migrants, much like the EU restrictions. While Giordano describes the inefficacy and lack of comprehension of policies, the Band Aid quality can also applied to the Guardia Civil’s interventions with a dense, bloodied layer of complete inhumanity. VICE New’s “Storming the Spanish Fence” highlights the non-linearity of each migrant’s path, as each migrant may cycle and diverge on different paths with different personal interests and backgrounds. The 25-minute video also primarily illustrates the often publicly ignored violent discrimination of failed crossings. These two focuses of the video encompass what Giordano calls for to remove catastrophe from being thought of as temporary. Though the VICE does highlight the crossing as the most important part of the journey, Milene Larson makes the situation intelligible and shows that the majority of migrants is forever stuck.

Moreover, VICE provides light on the perspective of the Guardia Civil in Melilla and Morocco. Even though it is easy to explore the economic reasons for the border guards, VICE also depicts the attitudes and mystery of territory disputes of the area. The doctor has an intense lack of empathy, calling migrants “a pain in the ass” for their repetitive, desperate attempts. No one from Europe wants to take responsibility for the migrants’ humanity, leaving the migrants accepting helplessness and heavy reliance on chance. Even though the inspiring resilience of the communities is powerful, it is uncertain if it is as long-lasting as the catastrophe.