Miriam Ticktin’s post “What’s Wrong with Innocence” reinforced some of the points that we discussed last week in class. How migrants and refugees are portrayed,…

Ticktin’s article really opened my eyes to the social constructions of innocence and its consequences. One of the statements which really resonated with me was:…

Miriam Ticktin’s article “What’s Wrong with Innocence” brought up the concept of hierarchical divisions shaping the response to the migrant “crisis”. She accurately demonstrated how…

Innocence, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense. Based on Ticktin’s article, my questions are, have we…

A storm suddenly passes as a group of migrants attempts to enter Europe by boat. One man goes overboard, separating from his family…

The article Camp in the City spoke about the parallels that refugees and migrants face when they enter the another nation: they stay in a…

I found the article “Camp in the City” really articulate of many problems migrants/refugees face beyond the more obvious or immediate ones. The social stigma…

I thought the first article “Camp in the City” was a very interesting read after just barely scratching the surface of the role Angela Merkel…

My critique is on a social experiment video that was aimed to help kickstart the launch Act for Peace’s fundraising appeal for the Ration Challenge. In…

“We’ve been here for 10 days, but I’ve been here on this island for 21 days.” – Omar, Syrian Migrant “They have to wait. Five…
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