The piece on European maritime interdiction was especially enlightening on the initial roots and beginnings of borders at sea. While disheartening, it was not surprising…

I found Ticktin’s piece about innocence especially expressive. She touches on many of the complexities we’ve discussed in class about the way migrants and refugees…

I found the article “Camp in the City” really articulate of many problems migrants/refugees face beyond the more obvious or immediate ones. The social stigma…

The Vice video discusses the “graveyard” that is the Medditarrean sea and Italy’s role in (not) preventing these deaths. The video also deals with detention…

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) or UN Migration Agency held a Global Migration Film Festival in December 2016 and will be holding one in…

I found extremely interesting how the “refugee crisis” falls more heavily on certain nations rather than others. In the case of Greece specifically, a country…

The readings and our class discussion brought about many questions about human rights. In a development studies class I took, we discussed what type of “human”…

After reading “The Crossing” I was immediately curious about life after a ‘successful’ crossing and what exactly happened to those who were lucky enough to…
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