After reflecting on the article by Heath Cabot, I wondered how a consumer of main stream media must reflect on an article like this. As…

As I read over the article Crisis, Hot Spots, and Paper Pushers: A Reflection on Asylum in Greece I was repeatedly hit with the idea of…

For me, the essay “Illegality” and Deportability in Everyday Life by Nicholas P Genova provided strong evidence to prove something that I already held to…

In Migrant “Illegality” and Deportability in Everyday Life, Nicholas P. De Genova examines the manifestation of the concept of “illegality” into physical boundaries and discriminations…

The topic of “migration” and “immigration” has been seen as a “problem” throughout history, especially in the past few decades, in the United States and…

In Nicholas P. De Genova’s article, Migrant “Illegality” and Deportability in Everyday Life, he raises a number of questions and points that seem rather obvious….

What are we without our stories? Is it possible to accurately share our story if its perceived authenticity is dependent on the interpretation of the…

As a Hungarian citizen, I encounter a lot of their hostility towards refugees. Hungary, as illustrated by the article Hot Spots: What They Mean, is…

In African Asylum-Seekers, a Treacherous Journey Is Only the Beginning, the telling of one man’s story, Alphonse, precisely communicates the flawed foundation of the migration…

Throughout the entirety of Hotspots: What They Mean by Didier Fassin , I couldn’t help but take note of the language used to describe migrants and refugees…
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