PLOS’ new DATA availability policy

PLOS journals have released a new data policy, which states “authors must make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception.” PLOS Journals will now require authors to complete a Data Availability Statement when submitting a manuscript, which will describe how author’s intent to comply with this new policy.  This Data Availability statement will be published along with the final manuscript.   Failure to share data, related metadata, and methods in accordance to the new policy is grounds for rejection.   Acceptable data-sharing methods include:   Data deposition into a subject specific public repository, i.e. GenBank, GEO, Stanford Microarray Express or generalist repository, i.e. Dryad;  inclusion of data in Supporting information files accompanying the manuscript.

For more information on this new policy and acceptable Data Sharing methods see PLOS’ information page: For additional help in finding an appropriate repository please contact Ask-A-Librarian.