Faculty Participation in Research Administration

David Wynes, vice president for research administration, presented to the Council in October about encouraging more faculty to participate in research administration. Research committees include Confict of Interest Review, Institutional Animal Care and Use (IACUC), the Institutional Review Board (IRB), and a number of health and safety committees. “We believe strongly that these committees should comprise members of the faculty peer groups,” Wynes said. “For example, animal care committees should be composed of people who use animals in research, and the IRB should be composed of people who use human subjects in research.” Wynes also noted that IACUC has some 760 active protocols at any time, and the IRB has some 3,000.

Council members offered two general recommendations: that the Office of Research Administration work through existing faculty governance bodies around campus to recruit new members to these committees, and that the office draft a core set of principles delin- eating how each of the committees should be composed, according to research activity.