Create, host, and organize all of your instructional videos in your own Studio media library without the worry of exceeding your course’s 2GB file storage limit. Learn how to deliver engaging and impactful learning experiences in Studio by presenting video content that increases student engagement.
Canvas Studio

Student Presentations in Remote Learning Environments
Remote teaching introduces new logistics to consider for student presentations. Options for synchronous and asynchronous presentations bring opportunities to explore different formats.

Canvas Studio creates a Pathway for QTM Students and Quantitative Professionals
The department of Quantitative Theory and Methods (QTM) used the Academic Production Studio to record interviews in collaboration with Teaching & Learning Technologies in Fall 2019. These videos were then added to Canvas using the Canvas Studio tool for QTM students to view for professional development.

Canvas Studio Video Quizzing is Here!
Canvas Studio, Instructure’s video learning platform, introduces video quizzing! The quiz feature allows instructors, Teaching Assistants (TA’s), and Designers to create engaging and impactful learning experiences by adding quiz questions directly on the video’s timeline.

What’s New in Canvas for Fall 2019
Teaching & Learning Technologies has been hard at work this summer to add and enable new functionality to make Canvas…