Join us for our upcoming seminar! Dr. Lauren Mudd (McKinsey) and Dr. Ordy Gnewou (Bain) will be presenting our students with an Introduction to Consulting. The event will be held on October 17th in Whitehead Biomedical Research Building Room 400.
Category: Uncategorized
Sign up for one of our Spring 2023 Consulting Projects
Please use this link to sign up for our consulting projects this semester.
Sign-ups will end on 2/7/23.
Ambit: How to Ace Your Take-Home Case
Join us on 2/7/23 for our joint event with GATech’s Biotech Consulting Club. Learn more about casing from Dr. Dylan Shea at Ambit Consulting. Look out for the zoom information in our list serve.
Join us for our Open House!
RSVP with the QR code or here:
EBCC Info Session & Discussion
We will be participating in a discussion hosted by The Hatchery, Emory Center for Innovation. This will be the first event of their series, Find Your Flock, Emory Innovators Showcase. This will be held Tuesday, September 29, at 3PM EST via Zoom. To learn more about EBCC, register for this event. Join the EBCC listserv to get updates on future events, including team presentations from Spring 2020, professional development activities, and forming our next cohort of teams.
Starting the Semester!
Thanks to all for a great inaugural semester of EBCC. We are in the process of finalizing the projects for this upcoming Fall Semester cohort.
We are hosting two events to gear up for the semester.
Open House, Thursday, August 15, 4-6PM, Atwood 316: This is for students and staff interested in learning more about EBCC and how they can get involved. Refreshments provided.
Kickoff, Thursday, September 5, 4-5:30PM, Atwood 360: This event is open to everybody. We will give an introduction of the club, the participating companies/PIs will speak, and those interested in joining teams will provide information. Reception will follow speakers.
Email Erika (ecsatar [at] emory [dot] edu) with any questions.
April Housekeeping
To begin, I want to send out a deserved congrats to everyone that has been participating in our inaugural cohort of #EBCC and for helping make this club such a success. Our idea for the club would be nothing without the hard work you have all put towards your respective projects, and of course to the PIs for their willingness to join forces with us. It will be a strong push to the finish line and for everyone to present and celebrate your achievements for the semester, but we are here to help you in whatever ways possible. Do not hesitate to reach out, and expect us to contact you to see what we can do for each of you.
Secondly, we are going to be presenting a poster to highlight our club at the upcoming Emory Innovation Showcase (April 18, 2019; We suggest that everyone consider registering for the FREE event, because it should be very informative and a great networking opportunity with big names from Emory and the Atlanta area. This is yet another call to any of you to provide us with a testimonial (email or direct message me) about your experience with the club, and we may use it on our poster or with future marketing material (with your permission).
Additionally, if you have had positive experiences with #EBCC this year and would like to get involved in a larger role for future cohorts, please reach out to us. We are very open to discussion about potential roles within the club, and what assets you think you can bring to the club and hopefully help make it even stronger.
Lastly, we want to promote an upcoming opportunity presented by Goizueta Business School called Emory Startup Launch. Applications are currently open for this 10-week program that is designed to help early-stage startups build and test their business ideas and models. It could be a great chance to take some of the Spring 2019 projects and continue to adapt the business, or for any of you to make your own jump into the entrepreneurial pool! Check the program out and see if it is right for you, and be sure to spread the word to anyone else that may be interested.
Once again, congrats to all of our current teams for the great work that you have accomplished so far, and we look forward to being able to celebrate those successes with you at our semester-end “Gala” (April 30, 2019).
Recruiting Sessions for ClearView Healthcare Partners (Boston, MA)
Recently, EBCC was contacted by ClearView Healthcare Partners – a life sciences consulting firm based focused on the biopharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostics spaces. This firm is currently recruiting advanced degree candidates with life sciences expertise for full-time opportunities in life sciences consulting. For our EBCC members, this is an excellent opportunity to apply and be able to use your experience from this semester on your resume!
Below, please find a list of the positions that ClearView is currently accepting applications for, and the respective deadlines.
Entry Level Consultant (full-time)
Application Submission Deadline: 11:59 pm EDT, March 3, 2019
Interviews Being Held: March and April 2019
Positions Starting: Summer 2019 – Summer 2020
More Information: full position description below or on our website
Connect to ClearView (immersion program)
Application Submission Deadline: 11:59 pm EDT, March 31, 2019
Interviews Being Held: April and May 2019
Program Dates: June 26 – 28, 2019 or July 17 – 19, 2019
More Information: on our website at
How to Apply:
Please apply to either position through our website by uploading your one-page resume and cover letter to the appropriate portal:
Contact: Anna Lin

TI:GER Innovation Conference
We at EBCC are proud to share and promote an upcoming TI:GER event on the morning of Thursday March 28, 2019. The 2019 Conference will involve a public debate about the ethical and societal implications as well as the policies and laws for the responsible use of AI. The Conference will bring together AI users, designers, and along with the professionals concerned about its business and legal impact. For their event, they have confirmed speakers from Emory’s Center for Ethics, Microsoft, Esquify, Bloomberg Law and the Lawyerist legal blog.
This event will be very interesting, and applicable to some of our teams in this inaugural cohort! Those that are interested must register for the event (, and should direct any questions to Prof. Nicole Morris (nicole [dot] n [dot] morris [at] emory [dot] edu).
#EBCC #TI:GER #Emory #entrepreneurship