ECDS announces program to support digital dissertations

Image of computer code Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Program applications due April 15, 2019.

Interested in creating a dissertation with digital components or a completely digital dissertation? Apply to the ECDS-FCHI Digital Dissertation Scholars Program (DDSP).

Through the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship (ECDS) and the Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry (FCHI), the DDSP is open to Laney Graduate School PhD students in any humanistic discipline who are preparing for their dissertation prospectus, currently creating their prospectus, or will have just created their prospectus. The one-year program (2019-2020) provides students with access to training, expertise, and mini-grant funds (up to $5,000) to plan and create digital dissertation components.

While the ECDS Digital Scholarship Internship Program (DSIP) focuses on broad training across disciplines and methods of digital scholarship for undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students, the DDSP provides intellectual or financial support to students to gain expertise in theories, methods, and technologies that they need to complete digital dissertation projects.

This program prepares doctoral students to create meaningful and lasting digital scholarship projects by equipping them with

  • adequate knowledge of theories, methods, and technologies in digital scholarship;
  • an understanding of how digital projects are developed sustainably and with accessibility issues in mind;
  • training to write about development processes.

Students will form a cohort with other DDSP fellows and may apply for mini-grant funds towards the following digital dissertation research needs:

  • Paid web development time
  • Temporary hosting
  • Data and software subscription costs
  • Digitization costs for source material
  • Travel for digital dissertation research
  • Travel and registration for conferences and training in digital scholarship theories and methods not available at Emory

Students in the program will be expected to attend all cohort meetings through the year and present a public scholarship-related contribution for other future DDSP students.

Questions about the program? Email Anandi Knuppel (Senior Digital Scholarship Specialist-ECDS) alsalin [at] emory [dot] edu [update] Dr. Kayla Shipp (Digital Scholarship Specialist at ECDS) kshippk [at] emory [dot] edu and Sarah McKee (Senior Associate Director for Publishing at FCHI) sarah [dot] mckee2 [at] emory [dot] edu.

Application instructions and more information can be found on the ECDS DDSP website. Applications due April 15, 2019.