Cities in China – Bird Nest and Water Cube in Beijing

城市现代化—Modern Part of Chinese City
北京的鸟巢和水立方 (Bird Nest and Water Cube in Beijing)
Xi Wang
Emory University


(If you want to practice listening comprehension quickly, please read the English
version of questions at the end of this document.)

1. 鸟巢和水立方在中国的哪个城市?
a) 南京
b) 北京
c) 上海

2. 唐小姐是做什么工作的?
a) 园林设计师
b) 学生
c) 大学老师

3. 以下几个选项中哪个是正确的?
a) 唐小姐对建筑很有研究。
b) 唐小姐对园林植物很有研究。
c) 唐小姐对城市规划很有研究。

4. 唐小姐为什么来鸟巢和水立方?
a) 旅游
b) 工作
c) 约会

5. 以下几个选项中哪个是正确的?
a) 鸟巢是亚洲最大的体育场。
b) 鸟巢是中国的国家体育场。
c) 鸟巢的建筑面积是28.5万平方米。

6. 以下哪个选项是鸟巢设计的最大特点?
a) 外观的柱子没有经过任何修饰处理。
b) 每个观众席离赛场中心的距离都很近。
c) 观众席位众多。

7. 鸟巢在奥运会期间进行了哪些活动?
a) 田径比赛和开闭幕式2
b) 体操比赛和足球比赛
c) 田径、足球比赛和开闭幕式

8. 以下哪个选项是水立方设计的最大特点?
a) 观众席很多
b) 由6000个蓝色透明泡泡组成
c) 使用高科技材料

9. 水立方在奥运会期间进行了哪些活动?
a) 跳水和水球
b) 跳水、游泳、花样游泳
c) 水球、游泳、花样游泳

10. 奥运会结束后,鸟巢和水立方现在的作用是?
a) 开展比赛并让市民健身锻炼
b) 开展演出并给游客参观
c) 开展比赛和演出,给游人参观也让市民健身锻炼


1.首都 shǒudū Capital (n.)

例句:  今天很高兴能来到首都北京的标志性建筑之一——鸟巢。

Example: Today, I am very happy to discuss one of the significant buildings in the capital Beijing, the Bird Nest.

2.标志性 biāozhìxìng Significant (adj.)

例句:  今天很高兴能来到首都北京的标志性建筑之一——鸟巢。

Example: Today, I am very happy to discuss oner of the significant buildings in the capital Beijing, the Bird Nest.

3.建筑 jiànzhù Building; construct (n.)

例句:  今天很高兴能来到首都北京的标志性建筑之一——鸟巢。

Example: Today, I am very happy to discuss one of the significant buildings in the capital Beijing, the Bird Nest.

4.规划 guīhuà Design; plan (n.)

例句:  我是在大学教城市规划的。

Example: I am teaching urban design at the university.

5.人士 rénshì Person; figure (n.)

例句:  那您是专业人士了!

Example: Then you are a professional person!

6.考察 kǎochá Inspection (n.)

例句:  我们是带一些外国来的交换学生来北京考察。

Example: We are bringing some foreign exchange students to do the observation in Beijing.

7.场馆 chǎngguǎn Venue (n.)

例句:  当然也包括奥运的各个主要场馆。

Example: It of course includes all the main venues of the Olympic games.

8.体育场 tǐyùchǎng Stadium (n.)

例句:  鸟巢实际上是2008年北京奥运会的主体育场。

Example: The Bird Nest was actually the main stadium of 2008 Beijing Olympic games.

9.外观 wàiguān Exterior appearance (n.)

例句:  从外观看到的这些白色的柱子都是没有经过任何装饰处理的。

Example: All these white pillars of the exterior have never been decorated.

10.装饰 zhuāngshì Decorate (v.)

例句:  从改观看到的这些白色的柱子都是没有经过任何装饰处理的。

Example: All these white pillars of the exterior have never been decorated.

11.结实 jiēshí Strong; sturdy (adj.)

例句:  这些柱子看起来真得是很粗很结实呢!

Example: These pillars look very thick and strong! shíshàng Fashionable (adj.)

例句:  看起来很时尚!

Example: It looks very fashionable!

13.周到 shōudào Thoughtful; considerate (adj.)

例句:  这个设计真的是很周到很人性化。

Example: This design is very thoughtful and humanistic.

14.人性化 rénxìnghuà humanistic  (adj.)

例句:  这个设计真的是很周到很人性化。

Example: This design is very thoughtful and humanistic.

15.田径 tiánjìng Track and field (n.)

例句:  在这里主要是进行田径和足球的比赛。

Example: They mainly hold track and field events and soccer games here.

16.开/闭幕式 kāi/bìmùshì Opening/Closing ceremony (n.)

例句:  好像奥运会的开幕式和闭幕式也是在鸟巢里举行的?

Example: It seems  that the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic games were also held here.

17.高科技 gāokējì Highly technological (adj.)

例句:  它们的材料都是高科技材料。

Example: Its materials are all technically sophisticated.

18.节能 jiénéng Energy-saving (adj.)

例句:  既节能又环保。

Example: It is both energy-saving and environmentally sound.

19.环保 huánbǎo Environment-protecting (adj.)

例句:  既节能又环保。

Example: It is both energy-saving and environmentally sound.

20.老百姓 lǎobǎixìng Ordinary people (n.)

例句:  普通老百姓也可以到里面游泳健身。

Example: Ordinary people can also go inside to work out.

问题讨论(Discussion Questions)

1. 你可以为大家介绍一个你所了解的中国城市吗?
2. 你可以为大家介绍一个使你印象最深的(the most impressive)任何国家的城市吗?
3. 你比较喜欢大城市还是小城市?为什么?5
4. 你比较喜欢古老的(ancient)城市还是现代化的(modern)城市?为什么?
5. 你旅游的时候喜欢去人文景观(artificial sights)多的城市还是自然风光(natural beauties)多的城市?


外观像一个鸟的“巢”,所以被叫做鸟巢。它的建筑面积是25.8万平方米, 从外观看到的这
唐:  奥运会的时候,在这里主要是进行田径和足球的比赛。

English translation of the questions

1. Which city of China is the Bird Nest and Water Cube in?
a) Nanjing
b) Beijing
c) Shanghai

2. What is Ms. Tang’s job?
a) Landscape designer
b) Student
c) College professor

3. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a) Ms. Tang knows a lot about architecture.
b) Ms. Tang knows a lot about landscaping.
c) Ms. Tang knows a lot about urban design.

4. Why did Ms. Ting come to the Bird Nest and Water Cube?
a) To visit
b) To work
c) To date

5. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a) The Bird Nest the biggest stadium in Asia.
b) The Bird Nest is the National Stadium of China.
c) The building area of the Bird Nest is 285,000 m
6. Which of the following is the main characteristic of the Bird Nest design?
a) The exterior is not decorated at all.
b) The distance between every audience seat and the center of the stadium is very short.
c) There are lots of audience seats.

7. What events were held in the Bird Nest during the 2008 Beijing Olympic games?
a) Track and field events and the opening and closing ceremonies
b) Gymnastics competitions and soccer games
c) Track and field events, soccer games, and the opening and closing ceremonies

8. Which of the following is the main characteristic of the Water Cube design?
a) There are lots of audience seats.
b) It is composed of 6000 blue transparent bubbles.
c) Its materials are technically sophisticated

9. What events were held in the Water Cube during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?
a) Diving and polo
b) Diving, swimming, and water ballet
c) Polo, swimming, and water ballet

10. After the Olympic games, what are the Bird Nest and Water Cube used for now?
a) For holding sports games and for people to work out
b) For holding performances and for tourists to visit
c) For holding sports games and performances, for tourists to visit, and for people to work out

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