Japanese Earthquake

 日本震后访谈(Interview with the resident in the earthquake-stricken area

Ya-yun Huang 黄雅筠, Ya-hui Ni倪雅惠 and Wan-Li Ho 何婉丽

MinMin Chiang (Photos taken)

Note: This is an interview with the resident in the liquefaction-stricken area near Tokyo Disneyland after Japan earthquake which happened in 3/11/2012.


(If you want to practice listening comprehension quickly, please read the English version of questions at the end of this document.)

1) 黄小姐是________________。

a) 记者

b) 医生

c) 居民

2) 地震之后,什么发生了变化?


b) 土地

c) 空气

3) 倪小姐住什么地方?

a) 京都(Kyoto)

b) 大阪(Osaka)

c) 东京(Tokyo)

4) 倪小姐在日本干什么?

a) 旅游

b) 读书

c) 经商

5) 地震发生时,下列描述的种情形不存在

a) 房子摇得非常厉害

b) 人们都躲在房子里

c) 整个书架都倒下来

6) 地震发生后,土地发生了什么变化?

a) 变成了海洋

b) 变成了沙漠

c) 变成了泥巴

7) 在倪小姐家附近,有人因为地震受伤或死亡么?

a) 没有人受伤或死亡

b) 有人受伤,没有人死亡

c) 有人死亡,没人受伤

8) 地震给迪士尼带来了什么影响?下列哪项是不正确的?

a) 建筑被摧毁了

b) 土地发生了变化

c) 暂停营业了

9) 为什么地震之后倪小姐生活不方便?

a) 因为房屋倒塌了

b) 因为交通不方便了

c) 因为没有了水和电

10) 地震后,居民有什么希望?

a) 生活回到正常

b) 搬出地震区域

c) 政府办法赔偿金

词汇 Vocabulary

:1. 地震    dì zhèn   earthquake (n.) 
 例句: 日本刚经历了地震。 Example: Japan just experienced an earthquake. 
 2. 介绍    jiè shào   to introduce (v.) 
 例句: 他正在介绍今晚的特别嘉宾。 Example: He is introducing the special guest for tonight. 
 3. 记者    jì zhě   journalist (n.) 
 例句: 他是这个电视台的记者。 Example: He is a journalist for this television station. 
 4. 博士    bó shì   Doctor of Philosophy degree (n.) 
 例句: 她读博士读了八年。 Example: She spent eight years earning her Ph.D. 
 5.    yáo   to shake (v.) 
 例句: 地震时房子摇得很厉害。  
 Example: The houses are seriously shaken during an earthquake.  
 6. 书架   shū jià   bookshelf (n.) 
 例句: 他很爱读书,他家书房有四个书架。Example: He loves to read, so there are four bookshelves in his reading room. 
 7. 玻璃   bō lí   glass (n.) 
 例句: 玩碎玻璃是很危险的。Example: Its very dangerous to play with broken glass. 
 8. 泥巴   ní bā   mud (n.) 
 例句: 小狗喜欢玩泥巴。Example: Puppies like to play in mud. 
 9. 填   tián   to fill (v.) 
 例句: 地震后,政府在忙着填土。Example: After the earthquake, the government is busy filling up the ground. 
 10. 摔   shuāi  to fall (v.)
 例句: 他将摔倒的老奶奶扶了起来。Example: She lifted up the old woman who had fallen. 
 11. 陆地  lù dì  land (n.) 
 例句: 相对于陆地,他更喜欢大海。Example: He likes the sea more than the land. 
 12. 受伤   shòu shāng   to be injured (v.) 
 例句: 她的猫从七楼摔了下来都没有受伤。Example: Her cat was not injured after falling from the seventh floor. 
 13. 死亡   sǐ wáng   to die (v.) 
 例句: 这次火灾,很多树木都死亡了。Example: A lot of trees have died from the fire. 
 14. 灾区   zāi qū   disaster area (n.) 
 例句: 他去灾区采访了居民。Example: He interviewed the residents in the disaster area. 
 15. 方便   fāng biàn   convenience (n.) 
 例句: 为了你的方便,我愿意把你送回家。Example: For your convenience, I would like to send you home. 
 16. 研究   yán jiū   research (n.) 
 例句: 他在帮老师做研究。Example: He is helping his professor with some research. 
 17. 迪士尼   dí shì ní   Disneyland (n.) 
 例句: 迪士尼是孩子们的天堂。Example: Disneyland is a paradise for children. 
 18. 暂停   zàn tíng   to suspend (v.) 
 例句: 这个软件的开发被暂停了。 Example: The development of this software has been suspended. 
 19. 整修    zhěng xīu   to fix (v.) 
 例句: 他每年都整修他的爱车。 Example: He fixes his beloved car every year. 
 20. 重新    dà gài   approximately (adv.) 
 例句: 他大概有十岁大了。 Example: He is about 10 years old. 
 21. 开放    kāi fàng   to be open (v.) 
 例句: 这个游乐场将在两年内开放。 Example: This playground will be open in two years. 
 22. 恢复    huī fù   to recover (v.) 
 例句: 他从失去亲人的阴影中恢复了。 Example: He has recovered from the shadow of losing his family members. 

  问题讨论(Discussion questions):


Imagine that you were in Japan during the earthquake, please describe what happened.


Why did the shape of the ground change after the earthquake near Disneyland?


When an earthquake happens, what should people do in order to prevent injury?

4) 你觉得人可以帮忙减少自然的灾害吗?如果可以,应该做些什么?

Do you feel that natural disasters could be reduced by human help? If yes, what should we do?


记者:各位好,欢迎各位收听「Chinese Beyond Emory」,我是在日本的特派记者黄雅筠。今天,我们来到日本的东京迪士尼附近,这个地方,因为地震,土地发生了很大的变化。我们访问到一位居民。












记者:我希望这里的土地可以早一点整修好,大家的生活可以早一点恢复正常。今天谢谢你接受我们的访问。也感谢各位的收听。我是Chinese Beyond Emory的日本特派记者黄雅筠,再见。

English Translation of the multiple choice questions:

1) Ms. Huang is_____________________.

a) a journalist.

b) a doctor.

c) a resident of the town.

2) What was changed after the earthquake?

a) Water

b) Ground

c) Air

3) Where does the Ms. Ni live?

a) Kyoto

b) Osaka

c) Tokyo

4) What is Ms. Ni doing in Japan?

a) Travelling

b) Studying

c) Doing business

5) When the earthquake happened, which of the following descriptions of the earthquake does not apply?

a) The house was shaking.

b) People were hiding inside their houses.

c) The book shelf was falling over.

6) After the earthquake, what happened to the ground?

a) It turned into water.

b) It turned into desert.

c) It turned into mud.

7) Were there people injured or who died because of the earthquake in Ms. Nis neighborhood?

a) No one was injured or died.

b) Some people got injured, but nobody died.

c) Some people died, but nobody got injured.

8) What happened to Disneyland after the earthquake? Which of the following is incorrect?

a) Buildings were destroyed.

b) The ground had changed.

c) The park was temporarily closed.

9) Why has it been inconvenient for Ms. Ni since the earthquake?

a) The houses are collapsed.

b) Transportation is limited.

c) The water and power are out.

10) What do people wish for after the earthquake?

a) For life to get back to normal.

b) To move out of the earthquake area.

c) That the government give compensation for damages.

Answer Key

A B C B B , C A A C A


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