Ben Dean

Wang Xizhi Watching Geese

ben dean

——  这张画是“王羲之观鹅图”。在画里,王羲之是一位晋代的书法家,他在湖旁边的凉亭站着看鹅,凉亭周围有很多树。在对面我们可以看到一些屋子和几座蓝色和绿色的山。画的中间有一点空,看起来像这个湖非常模糊或者画家没画完。左边有一首画家写的诗。很多红色的印章在画上, 所以我们知道很多人喜欢这张画,这是一张中国古老绘画的典范。

——  “王羲之观鹅图”是钱选在1295年画的。宋代衰退以后钱选成为一个画家,这张绘画表达了他对中国传统规范的敬意。王羲之是一位十分有名的中国书法家,他生活在几个世纪前。我选这幅画因为它的气氛又安静又轻松,我觉得空白有一点神秘。虽然它是古老的,它使我想起自己在公园或者树林散步。总之,“王羲之观鹅图” 给我留下了很深的印象。


This painting is called “Wang Xizhi Watching Geese”. Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher of the Jin Dynasty, stands at the edge of the lake on a pavilion surrounded by trees looking out on a lake. On the right side we can see a small house and some green and blue mountains in the distance. The middle of the painting is indefinite, as if there is a thick fog, or the painter did not finish it. On the far left is a poem written by the artist. Almost filling up the blank spaces on the painting are many red seals, telling us that many have appreciated it, and it is truly and exemplary classical Chinese painting.

“Wang Xizhi Watching Geese” was painted in 1295 by Qian Xuan. After the fall of the Song dynasty, Qian Xuan devoted his life to painting, and this painting evokes a nostalgia for traditional Chinese rule. The painting refers to Wang Xizhi, a famous Chinese calligrapher who had lived centuries ago. I picked this painting because of the peaceful and relaxing atmosphere it evokes. Although it is ancient, it makes me think of walking in the park or in a forest. I think the blank space surrounding the images lends it an air of mystery, and this left a deep impression on me.




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