Zachary Martin

A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains





王希孟是“千里江山”的画家。 他在中国非常有名。他是北宋时期出生的,可是他二十三岁的时候就死了。世界上很多人觉得“千里江山是王希孟唯一的绘画。他其实是徽宗的学生。徽宗是北宋的一个皇帝。




      A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains is a very beautiful painting. This painting depicts many mountains and many rivers. A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains is a landscape painting, so from left to right is very far, while from top to bottom is not very far. This painting’s artist used very dark colors, giving A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains a very dark atmosphere. Wang Ximeng painted A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains in 1113.

A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains was painted by Wang Ximeng. He is very famous in China. He was born during the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, but at age 23, he died. Many people in the world think that A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains is Wang Ximeng’s only painting. He actually was a student of Huizong (Zhao Ji) of the Song Dynasty. Huizong was an Emperor of the Song Dynasty.

A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains gives me a very deep impression. The setting of the painting is in the evening, so Wang Ximeng’s dark colors are both sad and thoughtful. On top of the mountains, Wang Ximeng used a beautiful shade of blue. This color goes well with the  other dark colors. A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains’ name is very interesting because in one’s imagination, one can see an infinite number of mountains and rivers. If I was the artist of this painting, I would use the same method, the landscape painting, because on a landscape painting, one can see a lot. This painting makes me think about our beautiful world. The painting’s setting (the evening) reminds me that my life is not infinite. Like a setting sun, people should savor their lives, because lives, and the sun, will disappear after a while.

Timothy Lam

Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival







English Translation:

The Chinese painting I chose was Along the River During the Qingming Festival. The painter is Zhang Zeduan. He is an artist from the Northern Song Dynasty. Northern Song Dynasty was from 960 to 1127. The painting is current in the Palace Museum in Beijing, because it is considered a national treasure.

In this painting, I can see two pieces of land connected by a bridge. This picture shows people’s daily lives. You can see a lot of people busy doing their own thing in the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty, Bianjing. Kaifeng is what Bianjing from the Northern Song Dynasty is today. Kaifeng is in Henan province.

This painting has 3 parts. You can see the spring in the country, busy near the river mouth, and bustling city streets. This painting is famous because this painting is a variety of natural elements and structural geometry, boats and bridges, markets and shops, people and landscapes precise image. More than 550 people wearing different clothes, facial expressions and posture are shown in the picture. This painting is generally considered the most famous of all Chinese painting works, it is called “China’s Mona Lisa.”

This picture gave me the exact impression of China as I already had it. If I think of the past in China, I would think very hard-working person. I think the artist painted an accurate depiction of China back in the day.





Stephanie Lee

High Mountain


             这是中国的大山, 高高地立在地面上。画家 Xu Longsen (徐龙森), 只用水和黑墨画山。这幅画上,我们没看到树木,水,动物, 或者人。 不过徐龙森只画着一座山站在一个假想的地面。

徐龙森1956在上海出生。他现在住在北京。徐龙森画中国古代和现代景观画。有空的时候他最喜欢去堪萨斯城的 Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art。他的灵感是从那座博物馆来的。我最喜欢这幅画因为我看这幅画觉得很平静又很神秘,所以这幅画给我留下很深的印象。这幅画看起来是一幅传统的画,因为山看起来又雄伟又神圣。

我觉得徐龙森希望我们看这幅画以后会觉得山又神秘又美丽。因为这幅画不像照片,第一眼看很难说像一座山。我先觉得是天上的云, 然后再看就是一座山。如果我在画里面,我想象会跑到最高的山顶上,在那儿沉思。 因为我想山上最高的地方很安静,所以比较容易集中精神。

This is China’s tall mountain which stands on level ground. The artist, Xu Longsen only uses water and black ink to paint this masterpiece. When one sees this painting, one does not see trees, water, or animals that live on the mountain, or people. Rather, Xu Longsen paints the mountain in an abstract space.

Xu Longsen was born in 1956 in Shanghai. He currently lives in Beijing. During his free time, he enjoys going to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. He gets his inspirations from there. I chose this painting because it was mysterious and looking at it made me feel calm. This painting had given me a strong impression.

Xu Longsen may have wanted his audience to feel that the mountain was mysterious and beautiful. Because the mountain in this painting does not look like that in photographs, at first glance, it is hard to say that this painting is that of a mountain. I thought it was a cloud, but after looking at it for awhile it started looking like an abstract mountain to me. If I were on the mountain, I would climb to the highest point and meditate on there, since I assume it would be quietest and will be easier to gain concentration.

Ryan Gorman

The Colors of Mount Taihang



太行山在山西省,河南省和河北省交界处。对我来说,这张画很有意思,画上有很多山。这张画很长,差不多一张桌子的那么长。 这些山又大又险峻。看得出来,爬这些山很危险。但是没想到在这座山和那座山之间有一个小村。虽然山看起来又大又危险,但小村又安全又安静。



After surfing the Internet, I found a beautiful Chinese painting. This painting is called “The Colors of Mount Taihang.” During the Qing Dynasty, China had many famous painters. Many painters often painted “Mountain Water” paintings. Take Wang Hui for example, he often painted many large mountains, many beautiful rivers. In 1669, Wang Hui painted “The Colors of Mount Taihang.”

The Taihang Mountains are in the Shanxi, Henan and Hebei provinces. As far as I’m concerned, this painting is very interesting, having many mountains. This painting is very long, about as long as a table. Many of the mountains are large and steep. You can see that climbing the mountains would be very dangerous. But, I wouldn’t expect to see between the mountains a small village. Although it looks like the mountains are large and steep, the village looks quiet and peaceful.

This is why I like this painting by Wang Hui so much. This painting gave a very deep impression on me. In addition to danger and peace, there are many opposites in our lives. For example quiet and loudness, ease and difficulty. If today you are sad, tomorrow you may be happy. I think that Wang Hui understood this.

Soomin Kang



This beautiful piece of classical Chinese landscape painting is by Shen Hengji. In this painting, I see a small boat floating in the water, with two people on the boat. Behind the river are mountains, which are very high and very detailed. On the other side of the river there is a cliff, and on the cliff is a pine tree. The primary colors used in this painting are green, gray, and brown, which are all colors of nature.

Shen Hengji’s poetry and paintings gained fame in Wuzhong City, and thus, he came to be   acknowledged as “the pioneer of Wu School”. I chose this picture by Shen Hengji because I like the   peaceful and relaxed atmosphere of this picture. I feel that the painter, Shen, places great importance on the harmony between nature and human. I think many modern people, including myself, frequently forget the beauty of nature, but this piece of classical Chinese painting makes me want to experience the freedom in nature. I can imagine: I am the only one on the wide river, and surrounding me are the deep water, many trees, and green mountains. All I can hear is the sound of the wind. My worries and stress disappears within the thin mist.