Miji Choi


我选择清明上河图片因为到处都是绿色, 看起来真舒服!我也喜欢这幅画里的老建筑。 自然环境和人山人海的景色,让我似乎可以分享他们的快乐J

当我读这幅画的说明, 我明白了: 清明上河圖 描绘 了北宋京城汴梁, 汴河两岸的繁华街道 ,热闹的景象 和优美的自然风光。作品是长卷形式,  复杂的风景纳入富于变化的画卷中。 畫中主要分为兩部份,一部份是農村,另一部是市集。畫中有人,牲畜多匹,船隻多艘,房屋樓宇多棟,还有很多車輛、樹木。我特别喜欢这幅详细的画。 每个人都有不一样的衣服和表情, 每棵树都有不一样的颜色。 我还为能看看人们的生活、他们的传统 和 城市感到激动!

I chose the name of the river clear picture because everywhere green, looks really comfortable! I also like the old building from the painting. Natural environment and scenery so I packed them were happy ☺

When I read the description of the painting, I understand: painting depicting the Northern Song capital Kaifeng, bustling streets and lively scene near the river on both sides and beautiful natural scenery. Works in scroll form, complex and varied landscape into a unified picture. Drawn mainly divided into two parts, one part is rural, is another bazaar. Some paintings, livestock and more horses, boats boats, house building more buildings, vehicles, car roof, trees and more trees, different clothing exchanges, and looked different life.

I especially like how this hatch in great detail. Each have different clothes, each tree has a different color. I can see people’s lives, their traditions and excitement of the city!

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