Gu Yiru

Stalks of Bamboo by a Rock.

这幅画是吴镇 (Wu Zhen) 画的,叫做 “Stalks of Bamboo by a Rock.” 这幅画现在是在台北的National Palace Museum 里面。 吴镇在元朝的时候画了这幅画,当时是公园年1347。

我特别喜欢这幅画因为这幅画给人们看到了两样不同的东西,竹子和石头。吴镇画的竹子看起来特别瘦,可是他画的石头特别大。这个石头画的不很清楚, 可是人们能看到石头的影子。

我也特别喜欢这些竹子的叶子, 这些叶子, 跟石头比,特别清楚。 吴镇画的竹子特别仔细。 每张叶子,小和大的,都能被看到。我喜欢这些竹子因为它们很像真的竹子一样。这些竹子的笋也很清楚。你能看到它的细的地方和它的更粗的地方。

要是我在这幅画里面, 我会坐在石头上面,观察那些竹子。我会去摸那些竹子, 会安静地在荒野待着。我想象空气会特别好,太阳会大大的,天也蓝蓝的。我觉得吴镇有很多天赋, 他画的竹子和石头特别漂亮,有很多特色。有时画里没有颜色,可是它很美丽。

Chen Yaoyue






Bi Jiaqi

中国宋朝可以说是艺术的黄金时期。 宋朝画的特征是风景,像山和水,鸟和花, 竹子,马,和人物画等等。王希孟是一个宋朝著名的画家。 他是被徽宗皇帝教过的,很可惜王希孟很早就去世了。他23岁那一年就死掉了。王希孟的一幅最有名的画叫做“千里江山”。王希孟画这幅画的时候才十八岁, 当时是在1113年。

“千里江山”这幅画是1,191.5cm 长,51.5cm 高。它的笔画用很深,很重的颜色来代表山,湖,镇,桥,和船。这幅画可算是中国画其中最大的一幅画了。它现在被保留在北京的故宫博物院里。“千里江山”是中国十大最好的画之一。


因为这幅画代表中国的古典美,它和现代的中国有很大的差别。现在的中国都是高楼大厦。画里的中国都是完美的风景。 我想象如果我在这幅画里,我会一边欣赏环境一边照很多相片,因为现在很少有这么漂亮的大自然了。如果能去画里的地方旅游那就太好了。

Gahee Lee


趙孟頫的这山水画又有名又很有意思。画里有两座山- 在右边的山比在左边的更高,更陡。画里也有很多树, 几个建筑物。他一般用蓝色黑色和咖啡色,可是有的时候也用红色, 大多数的画是深色的,所以红的水果醒目得不得了。

趙孟頫是1254年出生的; 他是一个宋朝的王子,可是这画的背景是元朝. 别的中国画家大家都想模仿他艺术代表的感情。他觉得表达他的情感比画表面的自然界更重要。拿这张山水画来说, 他故意地用简单的颜色,因为他不想夸大。尽管他是一位马画的名家, 我选了这张画因为我喜欢朴素的画。

要是我在画里,我希望去最左边的建筑物,因为它的颜色不太黑暗。看起来在家有光; 它好像一个受欢迎的地方: 暖的,安全的,高兴的。我觉得这建筑物代表趙孟頫的家.

Zhao Mengfu’s landscape painting is not only famous but also very interesting. In the painting, there are two mountains- the one on the right is taller and steeper than the other. Also in the painting are many trees and several houses. The painter generally uses blue, black and brown but sometimes also uses red. The majority of the painting has a dark tone so the red fruits stand out a lot.

Zhao Mengfu was born in 1254. He is a prince of the Song dynasty although the painting is set in the Yuan dynasty. China has many famous painters but everyone considers Zhang Mengfu as the model of personal expression. He believed expressing his feelings was more important than superficially painting landscape. For example, in this specific painting, he deliberately uses simple colors because he does not wish to exaggerate (nature). He is famous for his horse paintings. I chose this painting because I liked its simplicity.

If I were in the picture, I hope to go to the house on the far left hand side of the picture because it is not as darkly colored. It seems like a welcoming place: warm, safe and (exuding) happiness. I believe this structure symbolizes Zhao Mengfu’s home.

Soojin Jeong

郭熙的 “早春”


这是北宋朝代郭熙画的画,名叫“早春”。画里有山, 树, 瀑布和雾。看起来这是一张山水画。国画里的山和水是代表阴阳的。虽然郭熙只用了黑色墨,但他用的笔画是跟书法一样的。这种笔画强调重视自然,充满活力。

 郭熙是北宋朝代著名的风景画家。郭熙是1020年出生的。他是受过良好教育的宫廷画家。他发明的某些笔画对未来的画家有益。比如,  的技术使画看起来是立体的。



Guoxi’s Early Spring

This is a painting named Early Spring by Guoxi. The painting shows a landscape of the mountains with many trees in a misty atmosphere. The presence of mountains and water represents the balance of yin and yang. Additionally, the painting strokes used here are same as those used in Chinese calligraphy. Although Guoxi only adopted black paint, the contrasting brush strokes emphasize the dormant energy in the picture.

Guoxi is a landscape painter from Northern Song dynasty. He was born in 1020. He was an educated court-painter. He developed detailed brushstrokes that became important for later painters. For instance, he introduced the “angle of totality”, which is a mechanism used to depict multiple dimensions within the picture.

There are many different forms of trees in this painting. Some bend, crouch or are vertical. This seems to add to the richness of the painting. Although the painting in itself seems intricate and detailed, I think additional colors would have made a contrast. In conclusion, Guoxi incorporated very intricate details when painting Early Spring.