Hannah Freedman

A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains


 这幅画的标题是“千里江山”。有469英寸长,一幅非常长的画。在这幅画里,你可以看到江河湖水和很多山。如果你走近 一点儿看,你可以看到几个建筑物。这幅画的颜色是很有意思的。天几乎全部是黄色的,水几乎全部是黑色的,但是山是很亮的蓝色和绿色。

“千里江山” 的画家王希孟生活在中国的宋代。他是很有才干的, 也很有名。他的老师是教主道君皇帝。他画“千里江山” 的时候, 只有十八岁。 可惜的是,五年以后,他就死了。

我选择”千里江山”因为这幅画看起来很奇怪。第一, 画很长, 不像传统的 欧洲和美国的画。第二,山是很亮的蓝绿色,尽管真的山不是这种颜色。对我来说, 这幅画看起来几乎像一幅现代画。这倒不是一件坏事。我觉得这幅画很有特色,很有意思。


我觉得王希孟选择很亮的蓝色来演示太阳的光亮。这个颜色非常漂亮。 使我想到蛋白石。我觉得王希孟决定画一幅很长,有很亮颜色的画因为他想这幅画给人们留下一个很深的印象:在山上看日落。这就是我怎么欣赏这幅画的。

English Translation

             This painting’s title is “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains.” It is 469 inches long, a very long painting. In the painting, you can see rivers and lakes, and very many mountains. If you look a bit closer, you can see a few buildings. This painting’s colors are very interesting. The sky is mostly yellow, the water is mostly dark, but the mountain tops are very bright blue and green.

The painter of “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains” was Wang Ximeng. He was very talented and very famous. His teacher was Emperor Jiaozhu Daojun. When he was only 18 years old, he painted “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains.” Unfortunately, five years later, he died.

I chose “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains” because this painting seems very strange. First, it’s very long, unlike traditional European and American paintings. Secondly, the mountain tops are very bright blue, although real mountain tops are not this color. The way I see it, it almost looks like a modern painting. This is not a bad thing. I think this painting is very special and very interesting.

I think Wang Ximeng chose the bright blue because it shows the sun’s light. I think that blue and green are very beautiful, it makes me imagine opals. I think Wang Ximeng decided to paint a very long painting with very bright colors because he wanted the painting to give people a very powerful impression, as if they were on a mountain watching the sunset. That is why I enjoy this painting.