Jack Dougherty

A Thousand Li of River and Mountains


王希孟,中国的宋朝一个十几岁的艺术家,在1113年画了“千里河山”。这幅画被认为是“中国古代十大最伟大的作品”之一,描绘了中国的一个理想化的愿景。这绘画的背景主要是 金色 – 这种颜色象征财富和皇室 – 进一步美化了这个国家。然而,一种不祥的黑暗笼罩着这幅画的顶部,这或许象征着邪恶的威胁。在这幅作品中,画家展现了一个壮观的中国。 37英尺长的画布上描绘了无数壮丽的景观,卓越的建筑,充满异国情调的动物,人类生活在和谐与和平中。乍一看,这幅画只是描绘了中国的壮丽景观. 但是,考虑到画的历史背景时,它实际上是 中国昔日荣耀的一首哀歌.

Wang Xi Meng, a teen artist in China’s Song Dynasty, painted A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains in 1113. This painting is considered one of the “Ancient China’s top ten greatest works,” depicting an idealized vision of China. The background of the scene is largely colored gold – the color symbolizing wealth and royalty – further glorifying the country. However, an ominous darkness looms the top of the painting, perhaps a symbol of the threat of an evil practice. In this painting, Wang presents China magnificently. A 37 feet long canvas depicts the countless spectacular views, excellent architecture, exotic animals, and humans living in harmony and peace. At first glance, this picture is just breathtaking landscapes depicting China, but considering the painting in it’s historical background, it is actually a lament for the China’s former glory.