Jaeyoon Kim

这幅画有漂亮的树和石头, 还有两个人在休息。 休息的地方被自然包围着,所以我觉得这个地方很安静和和平。 在休息的地方,两个人喝着东西,看着漂亮的风景。 这幅画没有很多颜色,事实上,它只有一个褐色。 可是, 这幅画仍漂亮得很。

唐寅在1470年生的。 他是明代一位画家、诗人和书法家. 虽然我不懂,我觉得这个中文在上是 一首诗因为他也是诗人。 后来,他得靠卖他的画生活 因为他是很穷。但是 他是 “明代四大师”之一。 我选了这幅画,因为它有个很有意思的标题 – 唐寅的醉舞狂歌图 。

我觉得唐寅试图描绘了一个和平的下午。 只用一个单一的颜色,画家想显示这里不太繁忙 。 两个人远离负担 享受阳光和 悠闲的下午。要是我在里边的幅画, 我可能会喝啤酒, 在岩石上躺下和享受好天气。

There are beautiful trees and rocks in the picture. Also, there are two people in the resting place. The resting place is surrounded by the nature, so I think it is very peaceful and quiet. Two people are resting and drinking something looking at the beautiful scenery. This painting does not have many colors, in fact, it only has one, but it is still very beautiful.

Tang Yin was born in 1470. He was a painter, poet, and a calligrapher in the Ming Dynasty. Even though I don’t understand, I think the Chinese above the painting is a poem, since he was a poet as well. Later, he had to sell pictures to make a living because he was so poor. However, he was among “the Four Masters of Ming Dynasty.” I chose this painting because it had an interesting title.

I think the painter tried to portray a peaceful afternoon. By using only a single color, the painter wanted to show that there is nothing busy going on. The two people are enjoying the sunlight and laid-back afternoon, away from burden. If I were in the painting, I would probably be drinking beer and lying down on the rock enjoying the nice weather.