Category Archives: Student Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities, Emory University Urban Health Initiative

The Emory University Urban Health Initiative aims to provide health disparities education and advocacy, build collaborative partnerships and develop best practice models with low-resourced communities and those who work with them to advance equity in health and well-being. The mission of the Emory University Urban Health Initiative is to understand, sustain, and improve the health and healthcare of diverse and underserved populations in Atlanta and surrounding areas through community partnership, interdisciplinary education, community-driven research, and evidence-based programs.

Emory UHI has the following two volunteer positions available:

  • Rolling Suitcase Drive Project Coordinator– Connect with any individual or organization that will collect rolling suitcases for those who receive services from the Atlanta Mission. Keep track of number of suitcases delivered through pictures and write a publishable article. This summer and fall we have several Macy’s department stores whose employee teams plan to collect suitcases.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator (May qualify for Applied Practice Hours) – Research factors that may impact program effectiveness. Work with each of the UHI teams to assist in development and monitoring of evaluation plans. Monitor and report progress of program objectives and goals. Develop evaluation reports and briefings. Develop and lead education sessions for project coordinators and their teams. Write a publishable article about monitoring and evaluating university projects.

The number of hours that volunteers may work is flexible. However, most volunteers like to work six to eight hours per week.

  • All volunteers will need to be CITI certified and complete the UHI Onboarding process as part of volunteer requirements.
  • If interested in either position, please contact Tracie McCargo, tracie [dot] curry [at] emory [dot] edu.

For more information about the Emory Urban Health Initiative, please visit

Food as Medicine Practicum, Grady

In 2017, Grady established the Food as Medicine (FAM) Partnership with the Atlanta Community Food Bank and Open Hand Atlanta to address food access and chronic disease among Grady patients, employees and the greater community. Through this partnership, Grady has established mobile food pharmacies at three neighborhood clinics and opened Jesse Hill Market at Grady Memorial Hospital featuring a Food Pharmacy, Teaching Kitchen, and Farmers Market. Grady is looking for 2-3 students to assist with implementation and evaluation of FAM programs, including Fresh Food Carts serving three neighborhood clinics, JHM Food Pharmacy, cooking classes, and employee wellness efforts.
Practicum students will work with Grady’s Community Benefit Manager, the Food as Medicine team, and our Registered Dietitians. The primary responsibilities of practicum students will include:

  • Support JHM Food Pharmacy and Fresh Food Cart operations including planning, food packing and distribution to patients, evaluation and sustainability
  • Assist with patient and employee cooking classes and food demons in the Teaching Kitchen
  • Support FAM volunteer recruitment, onboarding and training
  • Evaluate the nutrition program currently being offered to Grady employees
  • Continue development of employee engagement opportunities related to FAM
  • Assist with required FAM reporting for research and philanthropic grants

*Attendance at Fresh Food Carts at the neighborhood clinics twice per month is required. Addresses are located here.

  • Asa Yancey: 1st Wednesday of the month at 9am-2pm
  • Brookhaven: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 9am-3pm
  • Ponce Center: 3rd Wednesday at 9am-2pm

The practicum may take place over one or two semesters starting August 2021 and students must work a minimum of 10 hours/week.
Grady Health System Requirements
Students must complete a background check, drug screening, and health clearance through the ACEMAPP platform at their own expense (estimated cost is $100-150).
Students must adhere to all Grady COVID precautions including universal masking, symptom screening when on campus, and social distancing. Students are required to provide their own PPE (medical mask when on campus or cloth mask when working outdoors).
How to Apply
For more information or to apply, contact Katie Mooney, Manager of Population Health and Community Benefit, at klmooney [at] gmh [dot] edu or 678-296-2282 or. Applicants should send their resume and a brief explanation of interest by Wednesday, July 21, 2021.

Epidemiology Research Associate 2, IQVIA


As a member of the Injury Surveillance and Analytics (ISA) Team, assist in data analytics, including data management, quality, and organization as well as project management of research related to sports injuries and player health. Responsibilities include contributions to development of study questions and substantive contributions to ad-hoc and scheduled reports (analysis and writing), data collection and management, creation of datasets using complex existing data sources, and ownership of client deliverables.



  • Creates datasets and conducts statistical analyses in SAS for analytic reports.
  • Leads comprehensive data management tasks, data quality control processes, and data cleaning for injury surveillance.
  • Builds and manages automated reports and data listings.
  • Organizes and supports both research projects and rapid analytics related to sports injury epidemiology.
  • Prepares and contributes to drafting of sections of study documents, analytic reports, and development of slides for client meetings with the review and guidance of Program Lead, including format and quality review of final deliverable.
  • Provides support to project team where needed and acts as a resource for internal team members.
  • May participate in client-facing project meetings as a recognized member of the project team and directly interface with the client in order to coordinate deliverables.


Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities 

  • Bachelor’s Degree with 3 years relevant education and experience Req
  • Master’s Degree Public health, epidemiology, outcomes research, health economics or a relevant scientific field and 1 year relevant experience preferred
  • Sound methodological training in epidemiology, biostatistics, outcomes research, data science or related area relevant to observational research. Training in exercise science, kinesiology, or sports medicine is favorable but not required.
  • Exceptional attention to detail, ability to think critically, and effectively prioritize and manage multiple tasks.
  • Strong oral and written communication skills; medical writing experience beneficial.
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with coworkers, managers, and clients in a global and matrixed environment.
  • Ability to work independently, both under supervision and as a contributing team member.
  • Must be proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, and SAS.


How to Apply 

Click here to read more about this position and apply online! 


APE Opportunity, Emory School of Medicine

Dr. Andre Holder has an ongoing project that could be used as a practicum opportunity.

The purpose of this project is to conduct a systematic review of all clinical decision support systems used to predict sepsis or its sequelae (e.g., septic shock). We are searching the EMbase and PubMed databases for literature published from 2000 through late 2019. Manuscripts will be included if they include automated prediction of sepsis or associated organ failure. To differentiate from existing systematic reviews, we will focus on manuscripts that were published with a methodology that is reproducible in real-time. Furthermore, we only manuscripts that provide more than a simple area under the receiver operator curve; we would like to report useful performance metrics such as specificity or positive predictive value that accurately portray their utility in clinical practice. Manuscripts will undergo two levels of screening (titles, followed by abstracts and full manuscripts). Pertinent data including patient characteristics, outcomes of interest, performance metrics will be extracted from each manuscript. Reviewers will also be asked to make subjective estimations of bias per the QUADAS guidelines. 

Those who use this project as their practicum will be responsible for the following tasks:

·         Participate in a full review of all included manuscripts, including assessment of bias

·         Help with data analysis and summarizing conclusions

·         Perform a literature review of recent systematic reviews in this area

·         Assist with drafting the final manuscript

If interested please contact Andre Holder, MD, MS at andre [dot] holder [at] emory [dot] edu.


Master’s in Development Practice Program Course Offerings

The Master’s in Development Practice (MDP) Program is a Laney Graduate School program that welcomes all students in course offerings as space is available.  They have reserved five spaces in each MDP offering for RSPH students.  Please see below should you be interested in learning more about the courses.  Should you have questions about whether any of these classes can be applied towards your degree, please email your ADAP.

If you are interested in enrolling in one or more courses please do the following prior to July 15:

1)      Check that there is not a course conflict between your current registration and the MDP course you are interested in being enrolled in.  Alternately, if there is, by indicating your interest, you are noting you would drop the course that is the conflict should enrollment in the MDP course be available.

2)      Email Rebeca Quintana (rebeca [dot] quintana [at] emory [dot] edu), MDP Program Administrator, with the following information:

·         EMPL ID

·         Course Number/Name you are interested in enrolling

·         Grading Status you are requesting (i.e. graded, S/U, etc.)

The MDP program will begin offering seats to students on August 1 and will maintain a waitlist until the start of class.  For any questions about the courses, please email Rebeca Quintana directly.


MDP 585R: Special Topics – Elements of Advocacy
Instructor: Ed Lee III

  • Credits: 2
  • Class number: 5376
  • Enrollment minimum: Eight
  • Enrollment limit: 5 – A waiting list will be maintained for excess enrollment requests
  • Grading basis: Letter grade or S/U
  • Meeting dates: August 26th – December 2nd
  • Meeting day, time, method: Thursday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, in person

The quest for cultural, political, and social change requires an understanding of the various components that comprise advocacy. Effective decision-making and leadership require an understanding of argumentation and advocacy. This is particularly the case for heterogeneous organizations and communities. In addition to exploring the element of effective advocacy, the course will equip students with the skills to analyze audiences and construct compelling arguments for change.

MDP 585R: Special Topics – Identity, Development, and Social Change
Instructor: Ms. Candace Stanciel

  • Credits: 1
  • Class number: 5363
  • Enrollment minimum: Four
  • Enrollment limit: 20 – a waiting list will be maintained for excess enrollment requests
  • Grading basis: Letter grade or S/U
  • Meeting dates: October 14th – December 2nd
  • Meeting day, time, method: Thursday, 12:00pm – 2:00pm, in person

For individuals seeking to drive social impact and the mission-driven organizations they work and serve within, understanding the challenges and opportunities related to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is a critical need and skill. Identity, Development and Social Change will help leaders interested in philanthropy and social change develop a greater understanding of identity and its impact on their personal and professional development, highlight ways to operationalize equity inside organizations and provide opportunities to apply models for solutions to challenges they are observing in the field. This course seeks to lift critical issues that intersect with EDI such as program design and development, data and measurement, theories of change, coaching across difference, stakeholder engagement and fundraising to understand what’s possible in the ways we both understand and practice social change.

MDP 585R: Special Topics – Organization & Management: Social Sector
Instructor: Mr. Randy Martin

  • Credits: 1
  • Course number: 5362
  •  Enrollment minimum: Four
  • Enrollment limit: 5 – A waiting list will be maintained for excess enrollment requests
  • Grading basis: Letter grade or S/U
  • Meeting dates: August 26th – October 7th
  • Meeting day, time, method: Thursday, 12:00pm – 2:00pm, in person

This course will introduce you to many of the most important concepts of organization and management within the context of the evolving role that nonprofits and other purpose-based organizations play in delivering social impact. Today’s successful leaders – whether in for-profit or nonprofit organizations – need to understand not only business issues but must also grasp concepts related to organizational effectiveness and people dynamics.

This course is designed to increase your understanding of those factors and dynamics that affect the performance of organizations and, as a result, enhance your ability to operate effectively – as a participant and leader — in socially complex environments. Some of the topics we will explore include: systems thinking and the dynamics of human systems; historic roots of the nonprofit sector and intrinsic creative tensions in philanthropy; governance models (traditional and hybrid) and the emergence of purpose-based organizations; the importance of mission and adaptive
strategy; and organization concepts and practices around issues such as leadership, human capital, DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), and culture.

This course uses a combination of readings, lectures, visiting speakers, videos, exercises, cases, individual and team assignments, and class discussion. The readings and videos will introduce key concepts and ways of thinking about common situations in complex organizations. Case studies and class exercises will provide opportunities both to apply theories, concepts, and research findings and to help you proactively identify and address organizational issues. The
written assignments are designed to help you consolidate your insights and develop your analytical skills. Finally, guest lecturers will be active in the social sector and provide a pragmatic, real-life context to bring many of the concepts to life.

Become a Second Year Epi Buddy


The epi buddy program is a student-to-student mentoring program which pairs incoming first-year EPI/GLEPI students with students from the second-year EPI/GLEPI cohort.  The program itself is a 1–2-hour commitment each month and will consist of periodic check-ins with your 1st-year mentee(s) and attending one or two optional events with your mentee(s) throughout the semester. 

This is a great opportunity to get more involved, give back to our little epi community, personally grow as a leader, and overall expand your network – plus, it is going to be a lot of fun!   Each incoming student will be paired with a second-year mentor; therefore, we would like to get as many second years as possible to keep the ratio of mentors to mentees as close to 1 to 1 as possible.

We would like to get pairings done over the next few weeks so that 1st-year students can ask their buddy any questions which may come up over the summer. Therefore, if you would like to participate as a second-year mentor for the program, please fill out this form ASAP. 

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Epi student representatives, Sandra Amouzou and Katy Krupinsky via email or on GroupMe.

Injury and Violence Prevention Certificate Information Session, June 9


The certificate in Injury and Violence Prevention is designed to give MPH, PhD, and Candler students a foundation in theoretical and epidemiologic concepts of injury prevention and a platform for which to examine the causes, consequences, and prevention strategies used in our society. Combining multidisciplinary coursework, research, practical experience, and access to a vast injury prevention network, this certificate will broaden students’ perspectives on complex issues while preparing them to become leaders of injury prevention within their chosen discipline. 

Drop into the informational session to ask any questions you have about injury/violence prevention, program requirements, or the application process!

Event Details

  • Complete program information can be found here.
  • This information session will take place Wed, June 9th, 2021 at 10:30 AM EDT.
  • Click here to access the event via zoom!

Questions and applications should be directed to Dr. Dorian Lamis.

Email: dorian [dot] lamis [at] emory [dot] edu

Phone: 404-616-3533


Program Evaluation Fellowship, CDC


CDC Office and Location

A research opportunity is currently available with the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Sciences (CSELS) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the major operation components of the Department of Health and Human Services. CDC works to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same.


Research Project

The Fellow will collaborate with subject matter experts and other stakeholders (internal and external) to plan and implement an evaluation of key components of the electronic case reporting (eCR) program. In the United States, jurisdictions are required to report more than 200 conditions diagnosed by doctors or laboratories to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These notifiable diseases or conditions require timely information on individual cases to prevent and control spread. eCR is automated generation and transmission of case reports from electronic health records to public health agencies for review and action is an important component of public health data modernization nationwide. The Fellow does not need previous knowledge or experience specific to information technology, informatics, electronic case reporting, or public health surveillance. The Fellow will contribute to a high-profile evaluation, start to finish that will include opportunities to develop public-facing products that will be disseminated widely (e.g., logic model and narrative explanation of the graphic, conference presentations, peer-reviewed manuscript). The Fellow will interact closely with personnel in the Public Health Informatics Office (PHIO) and other evaluators in the Center.

Learning Objectives

  • Importantly, the Fellow will have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills relevant to (a) facilitation to support stakeholder participation in the evaluation (e.g., to develop a logic model, prepare an evaluation plan, interpret analyzed data); (b) plain language writing; (c) presentation of efforts to diverse audiences; and (d) project planning and management that includes how to articulate decision points and deliverables over time. These opportunities to develop cross-cutting skills are an important complement to evaluation-specific competencies.


  • The mentor for this opportunity is Joyce Dieterly (lyv6 [at] cdc [dot] gov). If you have questions about the nature of the research please contact the mentor(s).

Anticipated Appointment Start Date

  • July 13, 2021. Start date is flexible and will depend on a variety of factors.



The qualified candidate should be currently pursuing or have received a master’s or doctoral degree in one of the relevant fields. Degree must have been received within the past five years.


  • Experience working on small to medium-sized program evaluations
  • Training in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis


How to Apply 

Click here to read more about this position and apply online! 




INFO 534: Applied Machine Learning, Fall Course Offering


The elective course gives an introduction to machine learning techniques and theory, with a focus on its use in practical applications. The Applied Machine Learning course teaches you a wide-ranging set of techniques of supervised and unsupervised machine learning approaches using R as the programming language. During the course, a selection of topics will be covered in supervised learning, such as linear models for regression and classification, or nonlinear models such as neural networks, and in unsupervised learning such as clustering. The uses and limitations of these algorithms will be discussed, and their implementation will be investigated in programming assignments. The course also covers theoretical concepts such as inductive bias, the PAC and Mistake-bound learning frameworks, minimum description length principle, and Ockham’s Razor. 

There will be a strong emphasis on the real-world context in which machine learning systems are used. The use of machine learning components in practical applications will be exemplified, and Public health realistic scenarios will be studied in application areas such as hospitalization metrics using electronic medical record data, clinical trials, natural language processing, image processing, and bioinformatics. The importance of the design and selection of features, and their reliability, will be discussed.  In order to ground these methods the course includes some programming and involvement in a semester-long research project.  This is a programming course: you will be required to write code.


Other Course Information

  • Prerequisite: BIOS 500, BIOS 544 (or BIOS 545) or permission of instructor.
  • Click here to view a copy of the syllabus!
  • Meeting time: Tuesdays from 10:10am-12:00pm

Graduate Research Assistant, Hubert Department of Global Health


Dr. Bethany Caruso and Dr. Melissa Young, Assistant Professors in the Hubert Department of Global Health, are seeking a graduate research assistant (GRA) to assist with analysis of data from a multi-country study focused on feeding behavior and growth among a cohort of low birthweight infants. Varied analyses will focus specifically on understanding the influence of water, sanitation, and hygiene environments and hygienic feeding behaviors on growth outcomes.

Analyses opportunities and needs include basic descriptive statistics and comparisons, basic regression, and multiple regression. The student will play a crucial role to help complete necessarily analyses for papers and will therefore have an opportunity to serve as a co-author.

The ideal candidate is excited about analysis, and is proficient in SAS, R, and/or STATA for statistical analysis. The candidate should be willing to manage and clean data, open to learning new analysis techniques, and willing and able to independently troubleshoot to seek out solutions to analysis obstacles (finding resources online and in-person who may be able to assist as needed).

Knowledge about sanitation and/or nutrition great, but not required.

There may be opportunities for the student to use data for their thesis.

Second year students, particularly those in the Biostatistics and Epidemiology departments, or with strong quantitative experience are strongly encouraged to apply.

This opportunity may be of particular value for students pursuing the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and/or WASH certificates.

The position is intended to start in the summer and may continue in the fall and spring as well. Position open for REAL and non-REAL eligible students.


Duties and Responsibilities

Primary tasks include:

  • Independently analyzing data for reports and papers
  • Data cleaning and management
  • Producing tables for papers
  • Writing up methods and results sections of papers


How to Apply:

  • For the required cover letter, please describe
    • (1) Your experience with data analysis, including what statistical programs you have used in the past and are most comfortable with.
    • (2) Your public health experience, including interest/experience with WASH and/or nutrition research (reminder: it is ok if you have no experience with WASH and/or nutrition research)
    • (3) what you want to get out of the position (e.g. what skill sets do you want to practice or learn?).
  • Please share resume and cover letter to Dr. Bethany Caruso (bcaruso [at] emory [dot] edu).

Upcoming Events

  • The Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID) July 15, 2024 – July 31, 2024 Conference / Symposium Event Type: Conference / SymposiumSeries: The Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID)Speaker: Leaders in the FieldContact Name: Pia ValerianoContact Email: pvaleri@emory.eduLink: Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID) is designed to introduce infectious disease researchers to modern methods of statistical analysis and mathematical modeling.
  • Functional Biomarkers for Early Detection and Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy August 5, 2024 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Zoom Online Location: ZoomSeries: EGDRC Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Dr. Machelle PardueContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduLink: Pardue’s lab is focused on clinically relevant treatments for retinal disease that can make a difference in the quality of life of patients. She is developing novel screening and treatment strategies for early-stage diabetic retinopathy and elucidating the retinoscleral mechanisms…
  • The Second Annual RSPH Staff and Post-Doctoral Ice Cream Social August 14, 2024 at 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Networking and Special Event Event Type: Networking,Special EventContact Name: Staff CouncilContact Email: rsphstaffcouncil@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_Terrace 2nd FloorRSPH staff and post-docs are invited to join us for ice cream and delightful conversation. This event is hosted by the RSPH Staff Council.

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