Category Archives: Student Opportunities

VECD Fogarty Global Health Fellowship

Do you have a postdoc, fellow, resident, or graduate, medical, or professional student who wants to build a career in global health research? A year of research training in a low- or middle-income country (LMIC) can be foundational for such a career. The application portal is now open for the Vanderbilt-Emory-Cornell-Duke (VECD) Fogarty Global Health Fellowship 2022-2023 cohort. This outstanding program offers a year-abroad opportunity for US and LMIC postdocs and US doctoral students to develop research skills in a global health setting. The entire spectrum of science is possible and relevant in LMIC settings, including basic, clinical, translational, population, and implementation science. We would appreciate your forwarding this announcement to your trainees and anyone within your spheres who may be interested, and connecting them with us. The application deadline is November 1, 2021.

To help with the application process, we will hold an application information webinar Wednesday, September 15, 8:00 am US Central Time. This will be an opportunity to learn about the application requirements and to ask individual questions. You can find more information and register for the webinar here.

What is it?

  • A 12-month, NIH supported, mentored clinical research program:
    • Working in a low- or middle-income country (18 sites in 15 countries)
    • Pre- or Postdoctoral fellows (MD, PhD, PharmD, etc.)
  • Fellowship typically runs from July-June, with applications due in November


  • Stipend, travel, insurance and research funds, as well as a week-long orientation at the NIH with the world’s leading global health experts
  • Gain research experience and the opportunity to publish in scientific journals and present at national and international conferences
  • An active network of alumni for mentoring support

Webinar inquiries:

Donna J. Ingles, MS, MPH

Assistant Director of Operations, Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health
vecdfellows [at] vumc [dot] org

For information regarding Emory host sites:

Mark Hutcheson

mhutch3 [at] emory [dot] edu

Please contact vecdfellows [at] vumc [dot] org with questions.

Student Epidemiologist, GA Emerging Infections Program

Title: GA EIP Student Epidemiologist (Part Time)

Job Description
The Georgia Emerging Infections Program (GA EIP) conducts surveillance and special studies on infectious disease including: foodborne, viral, invasive bacterial, and healthcare associated infections.  The GA EIP Student Epidemiologist will be responsible for, but not limited to, the following:

  • data entry and cleaning
  • conduct telephone interviews for vaccine verification and case-control and other studies
  • data collection from physicians’ offices and medical facilities via phone, fax and medical record review
  • vaccine verification via various databases
  • specimen log-in and tracking
  • office support

Job information

  • Pay is $20/hour
  • EIP requests 15-20 hour/week work availability;
  • Will work around the student’s schedule
  • Full-time available during summer and school breaks
  • Position is hybrid with one day / week typically in the office
  • Will be assigned to an EIP project team

Apply by sending your resume to jobs [at] gaeip [dot] org

ECDS Digital Scholarship Internship Program

The Digital Scholarship Internship Program (DSIP) at the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship (ECDS) is a paid internship program for Emory Graduate Students from any department or academic discipline. Graduate student workers should expect to work approximately 8-10 hours per week at the ECDS, and will be paid at a starting rate of $15.00/hour.

The Digital Scholarship Internship Program (DSIP) presents an uncommon opportunity for graduate students to learn digital scholarship skills, theories, and methods relating to research and pedagogy. Students selected for the program work regular shifts at the center helping faculty, staff, and students with digital research and pedagogy-related questions. They are also paired with research projects in their area of interest and learn the necessary skills while gaining valuable experience in digital scholarship.

The program’s training and professional development aspects are designed to prepare all ECDS students to be successful in careers within, alongside, and beyond the academy through an array of opportunities such as:

  • Attaining digital credentialing across tools and methods in digital scholarship, ensuring students can illustrate the skills they have learned in ECDS
  • Attending digital scholarship tools and methods trainings
  • Creating training materials and teaching workshops

How to Apply
The ECDS program offers opportunities for advancement, increased responsibility, and substantial CV building. Please contact the Graduate Student Coordinator Alexander Cors with any questions at alexander [dot] maximilian [dot] cors [at] emory [dot] edu.

  • Applications are now open via Google Forms here.
  • Applications are due by Friday, August 27. ECDS will interview candidates shortly thereafter and will look to hire students to begin in mid September.

Available roles at the ECDS for Graduate Students:
ECDS Graduate Interns


  • Help clients of the ECDS with their various digital scholarship or digital pedagogy projects
  • Learn digital tools and methods most commonly used at the ECDS (WordPress, Adobe Photoshop, Video and Audio editing programs, coding, mapping tools) – the ECDS provides more in-depth training for students’ particular interests.
  • Maintain the ECDS space as an orderly and productive work environment
  • Integrate with a digital project team as required and in accordance with individual’s skillset and interests; roles may include work with databases, text analysis, web coding, video editing, geospatial analysis, teaching, project coordination, etc.


  • Strong technological background or demonstrated interest in learning new methods and tools; specific desirable skillsets include database experience, video editing, data analysis, data entry, coding, web design, graphic design, technical troubleshooting;
  • Strong team member
  • Responsible, punctual, and responsive individual
  • Willingness to commit to 1-2 shifts per week at the ECDS (subject to Emory COVID-19 policies)

Additional Position: Co-Managing Editor for Debates in the Humanities
In addition to the regular Graduate Interns, we are looking to hire a graduate student interested in digital publishing as the Co-Managing Editor for the Debates in the Humanities book series. Edited by Lauren Klein, Emory English/QTM and Matt Gold, CUNY, Debates in the Digital Humanities (DDH) is a hybrid print/digital book series, published by the University of Minnesota Press, which puts out 1-3 essay collections each year in print and online via Manifold. (A list of published volumes can be found here and on the UMP website).

The co-managing editor will work with the other co-managing editor (to be hired from a CUNY PhD Program) on the following tasks:

  • Conducting first-round assessments of submitted DDH volumes for content and style
  • Communicating with DDH editors and authors about forms, permissions, and other documentation required of the Press.
  • Developing a DDH house style guide and other documentation of DDH process.
  • Promoting DDH volumes and other announcements via the DDH Twitter account
  • Attending bi-weekly editorial meetings via Zoom

The position will entail c. 5-10 hours/week, including summers. We are hoping to find someone who can commit to a 2-year term. The graduate student fulfilling this role will also be a part of the Digital Scholarship Internship Program
and may be involved in additional projects at the ECDS.

TA Position, HLTH 230

I am seeking a new teaching assistant for my Health & Humanities class, which is a required course for all Human Health majors in the Center for the Study of Human Health.  This class will be taught once per week (Wed 11:30-12:45) in person in White Hall.  Responsibilities for the position include: (1) grading three quiz-style exams, along with a short mid-semester essay for approximately 40 students, (2) maintaining all grades on Canvas, (3) holding periodic office hours before major assignments.  First-time TAs will also need to keep up with the readings and ideally attend most of our class sessions.  Class attendance becomes much more flexible in future appointments.  Email expressions of interest to chriseagle [at] emory [dot] edu with a brief summary of your background and research interests in Health along with your resume/CV.    

HLTH 230 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class explores the role of the Humanities (mainly Literature and Philosophy) in broadening our perspectives on health, illness, and embodiment.  We will examine how literary narratives and metaphor can shape our lived experience of health and illness.  We will also study various philosophical accounts of embodiment, along with recent Humanistic critiques of the expanding medicalization of human experience. 

GH 521 TA

Do you have experience as a program or project manager?  If so, please consider this call for Teaching Assistants for GH 521, Global Health Program Management, for the fall semester 2021.  The course is designed for 2nd year students in the Community Health and Development (CHD) concentration in the Hubert Department of Global Health.   


  • 2nd year or accelerated MPH student
  • >= 2 years experience in project or program management with preference given to those with experience in NGO or public sector organizations in LMICs
  • Knowledge of at least one aspect of program management including financial management, human resource management, supply chain/logistics management, marketing.

If interested please send your resume/cv to Dr. Deborah McFarland, dmcfarl [at] emory [dot] edu by August 16, 2021.  Thank you.

Part-time Communications Intern, The Task Force for Global Health

The Task Force for Global Health’s TEPHINET program is hiring a part-time (20 hours per week) Communications Intern for the fall 2021 semester (September through December).
We are seeking creative, detail-oriented, self-motivated students with experience supporting organizational communications, marketing, and events, as well as an interest in public health.
Prospective applicants can view the job posting and apply via Emory Careers at this link.
Interested candidates should apply by Monday, August 16. They may reach out to Tina Rezvani with questions at trezvani [at] taskforce [dot] org.

Certificate Program in Climate and Health

The Certificate in Climate and Health is designed to prepare students to make strong contributions to climate change research, policy, and/or practice. Through coursework and an Integrative Learning Experience (thesis or capstone), students will develop the skills and expertise to be competitive for challenging climate-related careers and/or to pursue a doctoral degree in the field. Students are also strongly encouraged to pursue a climate-related Applied Practical Experience (practicum).

This is a self-guided certificate program available to degree seeking masters students in the Rollins School of Public Health. Students are encouraged to talk with their academic advisor about the feasibility of fitting the certificate requirements into their program.

Course Requirements

  • Two cornerstone courses -EH/GH 582: Global Climate Change: Health Impacts and Response; EH 586: Advanced Seminar in Climate Change and Health
  • Two climate-related elective courses (4 credits)

Thesis and Capstone Requirements

  • Thesis and Capstone Requirements: Students must complete a climate-related thesis or capstone.

Applied Practice Experience

  • Climate-related Applied Practice Experience is strongly encouraged but not required.


  • Degree-seeking 1st and 2nd year masters students at RSPH

Learn more here!

Complete this form to tell us you’re interested.

Questions? Contact Ariadne Swichtenberg: ariadne [dot] s [at] emory [dot] edu

Emory Emergency Medical Services (EEMS)

EEMS has been reinstated under Emory’s Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response (CEPAR). Established in 1992, this volunteer-led organization responds to emergency and 911-based calls in the Emory community. EEMS was the first licensed collegiate medical first responder service in the state of GA. If you are interested in obtaining Basic EMT (EMT-B) and/or Advanced EMT (AEMT) certifications and volunteering with Emory EMS, please fill out this form. If you are currently NREMT certified, EEMS is also looking for already licensed individuals to be volunteers! Contact emoryems [at] emory [dot] edu for questions. 

EH 584 TA Position

The Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health is seeking a Teaching Assistant for EH 584: Built Environment and Public Health; this course is a unique partnership between the Rollins School of Public Health and the Georgia Tech School of City and Regional Planning; students from both RSPH and GA Tech participate in the course together bringing perspectives from both sides.  The instructor is Dr. Arthi Rao with GA Tech.  The full course description can be found here.

If you are interested in applying, forward your resume and a brief statement of interest (no longer than 1-2 paragraphs in length) to Natalie Dionne (natalie [dot] dionne [at] emory [dot] edu).  See below for details.   

EH 584 Built Environment and Public Health (2 credits)
Jointly offered course between RSPH and GA Tech
Friday, 11:00 – 12:55 pm, online, synchronous. Must be available during this time and not have other class conflicts.
Instructor: Dr. Arthi Rao (arthir [at] gatech [dot] eduavrao2 [at] emory [dot] edu)

Seeking a virtual/remote TA for 15 hours per week for the following tasks:

Typical tasks:

  • Coordinate/maintain/monitor both Canvas sites for the Built Environment and Public Health course (EH 584)
  • Attend class (mostly virtual)
  • Serve as a liaison between Emory students and GA Tech professors for course-related functions and activities
  • Assist in preparing class-related materials and lectures
  • Assist in grading and other course-related activities as they arise
  • Assist in doing literature reviews related to public health and built environment topics
  • Assist in data/statistical analysis and journal manuscript preparation

Desired qualifications:

  • Minimally, a second year MPH student
  • Prior coursework in Built Environment, Social Epidemiology or Social Determinants of Health
  • Good working knowledge of Excel and other basic database skills
  • Good working knowledge of statistical software (SAS, SPSS, R, Python, etc.)
  • Good working knowledge of Endnote
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Global Health Communications ORISE Fellow, CDC

Title: Global Health Communications ORISE Fellow

DGHT is seeking a Communications ORISE Fellow who enjoys a fast-paced environment and is seeking experience in communications planning and execution to join our team of qualified, diverse individuals in developing and defining the global communications strategy for the nation’s leading public health agency.

This position is located in Atlanta, GA and supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Center for Global Health. The qualified candidate will support communications strategies and tactics aimed at engaging key stakeholders and policymakers. This position will provide writing, editing, coordination and administrative support to the Stakeholder and Policymaker Communications team related to CDC’s global HIV and TB efforts as part of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

Specifically, this position will provide support in the areas of strategic communications, message development, global health storytelling, print and multi-media materials development, social media strategy and implementation, creative direction, event planning, stakeholder engagement and other related projects.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Support development and distribution of stakeholder and policymaker communications (e.g. newsletters, Updates, blogs, fact sheets, briefing documents, intranet and external website content)
  • Support development of social media strategies and tactics
  • Help communication specialists to translate scientific information into easy-to-understand language for non-scientific audiences.
  • Support the content development, database development, and dissemination of DGHT’s external stakeholder newsletter
  • Support the development of (digital and/or event-based) partnership opportunities and activities to highlight DGHT’s efforts leveraging our stakeholder communications assets
  • Support the development of stakeholder engagement collateral and digital materials
  • Track program activities, deliverables and outcomes using Excel spreadsheets or other tools as needed


  • Bachelor’s, master’s or PhD degree in Journalism, Communications, English, Public Health, Public Policy, or related fields
  • Some experience in the field of communications, including experience developing and executing communication strategies
  • Strong writer and storyteller with ability to write on deadline
  • Some experience developing presentations/slide sets
  • Ability to multi-task effectively without sacrificing quality
  • Strong critical and creative thinker
  • Ability to work independently and as a part of a team
  • An energetic, self-driven, conscientious and organized team player
  • Excellent oral and written communications skills
  • Experience in global health or public health preferred, but not mandatory


  • ORISE fellowships are paid full-time fellowships commensurate with the applicant’s educational attainment.

How to Apply

  • For more information or to apply for this internship, please email Faith Carmichael at fcarmichael [at] cdc [dot] gov
  • The deadline for applying is Friday, July 16, 2021

Upcoming Events

  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar February 6, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series; HTTPS://ZOOM.US/MY/EMILYNPETERSON Online Location: HTTPS://ZOOM.US/MY/EMILYNPETERSONEvent Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics SeminarSpeaker: Håvard Rue, PhDContact Name: Mercedes LewisContact Email: mercedes.christina.lewis@emory.eduRoom Location: CNR_1000 Richard M. Levinson PhD ClassroomHåvard Rue, PhD, Distinguished Professor,King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)Seminar Title: Cross-validation for Dependent Data
  • GCDTR Seminar-Redefining Glucose Monitoring: AI-Powered Non-Invasive Innovations for Diabetes Management February 18, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture;… Online Location: Type: Guest LectureSeries: GCDTR SeminarsSpeaker: Maria Valero de Clemente, PhDContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: with Maria Valero De Clemente, PhD, Assistant Professor in the College of Computing and Software Engineering, Department of Information Technology at Kennesaw State University (KSU) and Director of IoT as Service Research Group
  • EGDRC Seminar - Access to Medicines: At Home and Around the World February 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture; Zoom Online Location: ZoomEvent Type: Guest LectureSeries: EGDRC Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Jeremy Schwartz, MD, FACPContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R205Link: talk by Jeremy Schwartz, MD, FACP, Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine; Associate Professor, Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health; Firm Chief, SLA3, Yale New Haven Hospital

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