Sky Happiness Retreat, Feb 18-20
Category : News/Events
We invite you to participate in the SKY Retreat, hosted by SKY at Emory! Upcoming SKY retreats will take place on January 28-30 and February 18 – 20. Please see attached for additional information about how to register!
The SKY Retreat has been offered to thousands of students at more than 40 universities across the country. Students gain foundational stress-management and leadership skills, develop a personal daily breathing practice, develop strategies for social connection, and engage in peer-driven service initiatives. Taught over three consecutive sessions, the retreat introduces the SKY meditation, a scientifically validated breathing practice that significantly increases one’s well-being and calmness and reduces anxiety and stress markers.
Some of the benefits you’ll gain:
- Understanding of the sources of stress and the role of breathing techniques
- Meditative practices in managing stress and negative emotions
- Ability to better increase personal happiness
- Develop greater equanimity
- Learning to deal with criticism and mistakes
- Taking personal and community responsibility
- Increasing social connection, enthusiasm, and inspiration
- Build mental resilience and become a student leader