Advertising Insights is now Vivvix

If you use Kantar’s Advertising Insights to research U.S. advertising expenditures for companies and brands by channel (internet, TV, magazine, newspaper, radio, outdoor), this database is now rebranded as Vivvix.

Vivvix has also been called Strategy and Ad$pender over the years, so update your bookmarks accordingly! The good news is, the interface is very similar to Advertising Insights. Once you log in using the passwords in GBS SharePoint, you can explore advertisers on the dashboard, and create your own reports with detailed coverage on brand, company, and competitor advertising information and spend.

One key change to note: the Custom Reporting feature frequently used by GBS students and faculty can be expanded or hidden on the home page using the small black arrow in the center left of the page (see image). If you log in and don’t see it, look for the arrow to expand the column.

If you have questions accessing or searching, ASK a Librarian.

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