Welcome to our series: GBL Shorts – Favorite Business Books! We asked folks in the GBS Community to answer one very important question: “What is your favorite business book and why?” Steve Savage offers two great book recommendations, including one that investigates team dynamics and another that follows the journey of a successful CEO. Take Read More …

This Day in Business History: The Birth of the Commercial Typewriter

March 1, 1873: While the history of the development of the typewriter dates back to the 16th century, in the U.S., production on one of the first commercially made typewriters began on March 1, 1873 by E. Remington & Sons, known for manufacturing sewing machines.  Initially marketed under the name Sholes and Glidden Type-Writer for the Read More …

GBL Shorts: Favorite Business Books with Professor Jeff Rosensweig

Welcome to our series: GBL Shorts – Favorite Business Books! We asked folks in the GBS Community to answer one very important question: “What is your favorite business book and why?” Professor Jeff Rosensweig offers several books suggestions that cover topics such as economics and globalization, takeaways for aspiring leaders, and more. Take a look! Read More …

This Day in Business History: America’s First Five and Dime Store Opens

February 22, 1878: The first F.W. Woolworth store was opened by Frank Winfield Woolworth on February 22, 1878 in Utica, NY. Marketed as “Woolworth’s Great Five Cent Store” it had a less than stellar beginning and the store soon closed. Frank brought his brother, Charles Sumner Woolworth, into the business and the next store, located Read More …

Multilingual Access to Newspapers and Magazines: PressReader Database

The PressReader database contains a collection of 7000+ digital newspapers and magazines in 60+ languages, all in their original format. You browse/search by specific title or category. Categories include Business & Current Affairs, Computers & Technology, and News. Additional topics are Fashion, Automotive, Food & Drinks, Sports, Gaming, Home & garden, and Travel & Culture, Read More …

This Day in Business History: Warby Parker is Founded

February 15, 2010: February is an auspicious month for the company Warby Parker. In February 2008, 4 MBA students at the Wharton School of Business started developing their business plan to start an online eyewear company.  According to Neil Blumenthal, one of the students (the others are Dave Gilboa, Andy Hunt, and Jeff Raider), the Read More …

Statista’s Research AI Feature

Statista recently added a Research AI option to its each platform. The following discusses the pros and cons of using Research AI. What is Statista? Statista is a database useful for locating credible data snapshots for a range of industries (Consumer Goods and FMCG, Media & Advertising, Retail and Trade, Technology & Communications, Travel, Transportation, Read More …

Refresh and Grow Your Professional Skills: Career and Professional Development Tip

How will this help me?  LinkedIn Learning offers many online courses and certificates to enhance your day one readiness for your internship or job. These include technology skills using Excel, R, SQL, and Tableau; and business skills such as leveraging AI and data visualization. LinkedIn Learning is available to Emory students, faculty, and staff.  Use Read More …

Mining Consumer-Focused Data & Insights with Mintel Market Research

Mintel’s market research, licensed by the Goizueta Business Library for Emory’s Goizueta students, is a premium resource for understanding consumer demographics and purchasing behaviors.   In addition to its Insights collection of reports, analyst insights and survey data, Mintel has recently added Leap, an AI option, to its platform.  Insights and Leap compliment each other; in Read More …