Locating the Best Employers for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

There are many rankings of the best organizations to work at for diversity, equity & inclusion. Some are global lists, others state or city-specific, and some focused on companies in particular industries.

Google is a great way to locate these lists. Below are several search strategies that you might want to explore. After looking through the returned web results, click on Images to quickly identify ranked tables and lists.

To locate global company lists, try this search strategy:

  • (diversity OR inclusion OR DEI) (employers OR workplace) (best OR top OR rank OR ranking)

Examples of the results include:

To locate U.S. state or city lists, try this search strategy:

  • (Georgia OR atlanta OR southeast) (diversity OR inclusion OR DEI) (employers OR workplace) (best OR top OR rank OR ranking)

Note: local newspapers and Business Chronicles (e.g., Atlanta Business Chronicle) are frequent sources of this type of information.

To locate rankings for specific industries, try this search strategy:

  • restaurant industry (DEI OR diversity OR inclusion) (employers OR workplace) (best OR top or list OR rank OR ranking)

Interested in locating some good books about DEI? 

Check out the Goizueta Business Library’s curated list of OverDrive DEI Business eBooks and AudioBooks.



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