Mintel’s market research, licensed by the Goizueta Business Library for Emory’s Goizueta students, is a premium resource for understanding consumer demographics and purchasing behaviors.
In addition to its Insights collection of reports, analyst insights and survey data, Mintel has recently added Leap, an AI option, to its platform. Insights and Leap compliment each other; in order to get the most out of Mintel’s valuable content, it is important to understand the strengths and limitations of both.
To access Mintel’s full content, remember to register and login when using the database.
This is where the complete collection of current and archived Mintel’s full reports, analyst insights, and consumer survey raw data, DataBooks live. You can access and explore all of this content in a number of ways: 1) keyword searches, 2) drilling down by Category (Automotive, Beauty & Personal Care, Drinks, Pets, Retail & Apparel, etc.), Demographics (Affluent, Gen Z, Multicultural, Women, etc.), and Trend Drivers (Experiences, Identity, Value, etc.), and 3) analyzing raw data from Mintel’s consumer surveys, DataBooks.
A query in Insights will return relevant reports which are intended to encourage thinking critically and creatively about your topic.
Mintel Insights – Finding the Most Relevant Data & Analysis
Built exclusively on Mintel’s proprietary research, Leap looks for content with a similar meaning to your question. It will not summarize specific insights, but will reference Mintel reports (sources) where a specific answer is found.
Mintel Leap – Methodology & Coverage
Not Ingested into Leap
- DataBooks consumer survey data
- Reports older than 30 months
Getting the most out of Leap
As with any generative AI, the secret to good responses is writing a good prompt:
- Write your question using proper grammar and full sentences
- Be specific. Include the industry/product/service, the target customer(s), etc.
- Ask one question at a time
Mintel Leap – Tips for Creating Prompts
Mintel Leap – Tips for Improving Answers
Leveraging Both Insights and Leap
If you are unsure where to get started, using Leap can help you begin to identify in which Mintel reports to begin your research. Reading a full report will help you to more fully understand market drivers and trends, and consumer demographics and psychographics. Each report includes the raw survey data, e.g., the DataBook, and will lead you to additional reports.
Remember, Leap is a source of some answers to specific questions, but the data and insights that are important for connecting the dots between consumer, innovation and market insights are found by your reading and applying critical thinking to the full reports.
Note: You cannot combine both Insights and Leap searches, or toggle back and forth between the two; you can only use each one separately.