Vivvix Snapshots of U.S. Spend for Companies and Brands

Vivvix is a database of U.S. advertising expenditures for companies and brands by channel (internet, TV, magazine, newspaper, radio, outdoor).

While you can run custom searches using this platform, a great place to start is looking at a company or brand advertising snapshot to quickly understand its investment and strategy for ad spend.

Company/brand snapshots contain a tremendous amount of information. Take the time to carefully study each section. Drill down to get more information, which includes:

  • Media (e.g. internet search, cable TV, network TV, etc.)
  • Market (e.g. city)
  • Property (e.g. CBS, TBS, ABC, etc.)

Once logged into Vivvix, from the homepage, type your company or brand into the search box.
We recommend the default ALL option to ensure that you see all your choices.

Defaults to all media, but you can also narrow down to one.
Adjust the rolling months on the far right.


Don’t overlook this section – instead use it to quickly see a calendar by month/year of advertising expenditures.The calendars address many questions, including those that will be important for planning ad campaigns and strategizing when to launch. Answers questions such as: how much and which months is the company allocating ad dollars broken out by different media; compare media spending across the parent’s advertisers; see which cities the company is placing ads, and identify and view which creative video ads have been placed in the past six months.

You can also use Vivvix to compare multiple companies, brands, and products, to locate and view digital ads, and more.

Use the guides located on GBL’s Vivvix database page for help navigating this resource.