Podcast: The City of Dreams, PyeongChang (1999-2018)

In 1999, after Korea had successfully hosted the Asian Winter Games in PyeongChang, the host city, declared to bid for the hosting city of the 2010 Winter Olympics. South Korea, a country that had already hosted the Summer Olympics and that would soon host the 2002 World Cup, was chasing the four “major” sporting events. After failing to host the 2010 Olympics in 2003, PyeongChang continued its effort to host the Winter Olympics. After 12 years of waiting, on July 6, 2011, PyeongChang was officially announced as the host city of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. This was done through a strengthened business plan by the PyeongChang committee and the continued effort from the government of Korea. During this decade of failures and success, many athletes, politicians, and the public of South Korea went through a great emotional rollercoaster.

Enjoy this podcast on PyeongChang!
(Music: GC Beats, Copyright, Granted License Use)
Yong Pyong Ski Resort (Olympic Course)
(Photo: Peter Kim)


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