Bill Szabrak (pronounced SAY-brak) is now the new IT Service and Project Portfolio Manager in the PMO. Previously, Bill managed the Operations Group in R-WIT and also spent time as the lead for collaboration software for Emory’s research community. He has been at Emory for five years. Before his stint at Emory, he worked at AIG as the associate director for a division doing benefits enrollment.
Born in Erie, PA and raised in Mansfield, OH, Bill attended Ohio University, where he received an undergraduate degree in Communications, and Kennesaw State where he received dual master degrees in Information Systems and Finance. He has lived in Georgia for over 20 years.
Movie trivia: Mansfield, OH was the home of the prison filmed in the movie Shawshank Redemption, but Bill has never been an inmate there.
As a hobby, Bill does sketch comedy and wrote sketches for a show called the Laughing Dead that runs from April 19 thru May 18 at Sketchworks Theater. He is also performing improv this Saturday (March 30) at 8 PM at The Basement Theater.
Bill can be reached at bill [dot] szabrak [at] emory [dot] edu.
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